
Why, in America, Do we call them "states" instead of "provinces" like all the other countries?

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doesn't "state" imply that rather than an indivisible nation. America is a Federation of 50 different sovereign nations?




  1. a state must have all of the following:

    1. constitution

    2. sovereignty

    3. territory

    4. people

    provinces do not have items 1 and 2.

  2. "America is a Federation of 50 different sovereign nations?"

    "because "nation" and "state" have virtually the same definition"

    Pretty much. What unites them is the constitution. Hence, "United" States.

  3. I'm not saying this is the official and correct answer, but it might be because there were states before the federal government was formed creating the United States.

  4. I think it has something to do with not going metric

  5. Yes we are a union of 50 sovereign states. Most if not all states have their own constitution. It arose from the beginning when there were 13 colonies each one had it's own government and wanted to keep it even after uniting with the others.

  6. Well i would think its cause we are the united STATES of america....thats my only guess

  7. Because in the U.S. the state and Federal governments function as separate and independent entities. The Constitution is about how the federal government is set up. The individual states could set up their governments and laws however they wished without interference. In essence each state was like a sovereign nation. At least that is the way it was supposed to be. The 10th amendment specifically states:

    "The powers not delegated to the United States [Federal Government] by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    Over the years the Federal Government has grown in such power and scope that you can't even educate your own children without the Federal Government getting involved. Instead of 50 'states' we now have something more like 50 'administrative areas'.

  8. The states all are countrys on their own. They have a Governor, a legislature and a court system. Each state is a country believe it or not.We are One Nation of many different states.

  9. Most of the others are correct! The Founders never intended the Federation to overrun the members. Richard Henry Lee said that we "are and should be free and independent States"

    And every document written CLEARLY uses "State".

  10. Because in the set up of our country we were individual self-ruling "states" that were bound together much like the EU today.  Separate but one.  The federal government has gradually tried to break that down -- especially the judicial branch.

  11. because we like to be different lol. we also dont use the metric system, there is no reason for this either.  there is really no reason we call them states, probably because the united province of america sounds wierd lol

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