
Why, in telephone English, do we say "this is (name)" instead of "I am (name)"?

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I'm an ESL teacher and this is one of the many questions I don't have an answer to. I can make something up, but I need something that can be checked and verified.




  1. Some of my ESL students have asked me this, too. I tell them it's because the implied question to the answer: "This is So and So" is "Who is there on the other end of the line?" The question isn't, "What is your name?" or "Who are you?" when they make a phone call. They are asking, "Who is THERE on the other end of the line?" And the logical answer isn't "My name is..." Of course, it's also just a convention... similar to the Japanese "Moshi Moshi," having no real meaning. Another thing to consider is that sometimes people call businesses, and it wouldn't be appropriate to say, "I am IBM, thank you for calling me." What a fun discussion to have in class about how different cultures answer the phone.

  2. click here =D;...

  3. In business it's preferred not to use the word "I" since the focus should be on the customer.  Yet we often hear "How may I help you?"  Perhaps as long as the word "you" is included with the word "I" it becomes acceptable.  For over 40 years in business my father always answered his business phone, "Ray here."  It would be nice if that caught on :)

  4. We answer the phone that way to inform the caller who they are speaking with.   To answer "I am" instead of "this is" would be more formal, as in an introduction.  A phone call is less formal, not requiring an introduction.  Answering with "this is .... " is more of a courtesy.  Even more informal would be to simply say "Hello?".   I personally use both... I say "Hello, this is Karen" when I answer the phone.

    If you were to introduce yourself  in person to someone who does not know you, you would say "I am....".  If you call someone on the phone, you should already know them or at least know who they are. When we answer "This is..."  it is simply to let the caller know they have reached the right person.    

    I should note that I am American.  Other English speaking countries may have different cultural norms.

  5. i have no idea i think it's weird to answer the phone and say h**l i'm alecia

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