
Why, when i get cold water out of my tap it is clear, but wen i get hot wter out of my tap, it is often cloudy

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i have moved house since so i know its jnust not bad water. not only have i moved house, but i moved to the other side of the country. i also noticed tis when i was on holiday in americaxxxxxxx




  1. Turbidity, dissolved gases like oxygen, nirogen, and minerals are common causes.

  2. The cloudy water is caused by tiny bubbles of air. When the water comes out of the tap it is under pressure and it depressurizes slightly, just like when you take the cap off a soda bottle. The bubbles are tiny and they soon disappear by floating to the top.

  3. Hot water will sometimes be cloudy due to the physics of heating and moving the water through a pressurized system. As water is heated, the gases dissolved in the water will escape. As the hot water is released at the tap, the gases immediately begin to separate from it.

    Cloudy hot water should clear quickly, and it is not harmful at all, just looks unpleasant

  4. I've always heard not to drink water out of the hot water side (like heating up water for coffee,tea,hot chocolate etc)...because it comes out of the hot water heater and can have "stuff" in it. I think it would be about the same as drinking out of a yard hose. I know a lot of us have done this..but we didn't think about all the "stuff" in the hose when we did it. I doubt any of this would kill you..but who needs it??!! I don't know if a water purifier on the faucet would take out all the stuff out of the hot water side.I think I'd boil it first.

  5. hot water has more oxygen in it. when you pour hot water it is under pressure and the air molecules are released into the water especially in colder weather, as it cools, the oxygen balances out bringing it back to a clear state.

  6. If you have hard water it could be lime.

  7. All of hot water is first stored in your hotwater heater before it comes out of the tap so if it has any rust it will show up as unclear water

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