
Why, when u look at the sun it makes u sneeze???

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Why, when u look at the sun it makes u sneeze???




  1. Ah, you're one of the few, so am I!  I think only about 25% of the population have that reaction.  You and I suffer from "Photic Sneeze Reflex," and it's a genetic quirk that is still unexplained by science!  Here is a web link with more information about it.

  2. Interesting. I always wondered this too. I am the same way. If I look at a bright light it will help induce a sneeze if one is coming on. it's sort of a short circuited nerve.

    Thanks for the question...and the folks that answered too.

  3. I think you have disorder. Sun don't causes sneezing when you look at it.

  4. it's because two special nerves in some people's heads are close to each other. When you see a bright object, the nerve responsible for vision sends a signal to the brain. If the signal is strong it may influence the nerve "responsible for sneezing".

    sorry for my bad knowledge of physiological terminology

  5. when you look at bright lights it sends recepting messages through your nostrals to the nerves in your brain and sets off a chain reaction and makes you sneeze. it happens when you look up at anything bright for a little bit.

  6. More of a sensory overload.

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