
Why, when you drive past a parked car, is there a sound?

by  |  earlier

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When I was driving through town today, I drove past a couple of parked cars, and there was a weird noise. Why?




  1. you mean wush sound?

    it means your driving to fast?

    i dont know

  2. depends on the noise.  there maybe something wrong with your car if you haven't heard the noise before.  You may not have been able to hear it before over the sound of the wind or engine.  The sound may be reflecting off of the parked vehicles.

  3. you are hearing a noise that is coming from YOUR CAR , sound is bouncing off the parked one

  4. wow

  5. Sounds like Car Kissing Cooties....

    You didn't find a scrape mark along the side of your when you got home did you ?

    Sorry........I couldn't resist....

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