
Why, when you quote a passage that the bibleists are uncomforatble with, do they always discount it?

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A few examples:

Scripture indicating the earth is flat.

Scripture saying wives must submit to their husbands.

Scripture saying "god" stopped the sun.

Scripture saying there were plants and animals before there was light.

Scripture saying there were talking animals.

Scripture saying bats are birds, or that any fish with scales

and fins is good to eat.

Scripture about a preposterous boat floating around with pairs

of all the animals onboard (Tyranos too).

Countless scripture contradicting other scripture.

Scripture showing "gods" love of incest.

Scripture showing that "god" does indeed cause hurricanes

and tornados that kill innocent people

Scripture showing "god" to be the most violent, vindictive

murderer ever written about.

When ever these examples are given, the bibleists say: 1) you misquoted --- 2) that scripture is no longer applicable--- 3) it is caused by bad "translation"--- 4) you don't understand what it REALLY says--- 5) jesus overruled that one--- 6) "god" can change his mind if he wants to--- 7) it is just a "parable."---....and of course the one that covers every biblical absurdity....8) it is not for us to question "god", he owes us no explanation.




  1. The magic believers will never admit to their psychotic need to believe in a god.  The Bible is clearly a bunch of rambling writings by men (not women) within the context of ancient civilizations 1 to 2k years ago but you cannot get one single magic freak to rationalize this.  To them the Bible is everything.  The clear, psychotic, human, underpinnings that break it apart are just not heard by them.

  2. where does it say the earth is flat??

  3. I once pointed out a statement in the Book of Revelations and got loads of thumbs down, as if they were denying that it exists. Obviously they believe whatever their impoverished little minds want to believe.  

  4. You forgot: 9) Satan is clouding your mind!... 10) It was simply a metaphor... 11) You haven't REALLY read the Bible.

    I'm sure there are countless others. :-D

  5. That's the picking and choosing part.

  6. ostrich syndrome-

    whenever anything they dont' like or can't answer threatens thier makebelieve world- they burry thier head int he sand.

  7. Another verse comes to mind...

    "Don't throw your pearls to the swine, for they will turn and attack you."

  8. Because they dont want to hear or admit it. And also, it makes them think....

  9. because they are uncomfortable with it.

  10. blind faith

  11. They really want to believe.  It's like in 1984, they brainwash themselves.

  12. I think the people you encounter don't understand the bible in itself. There is a lot of figurative speech used in the bible. Some people just love to argue rather than try to understand.

  13. you know what, please, as a personal favor to me, send these questions to my email, I would consider it my duty to personally answer these questions for you, but I do not have the time or space to answer them here.

  14. Pretty much.  They pick and choose the warm & fuzzy passages only while conveniently ignoring the rest

  15. the word of God is for Christians , believers. and believers always believe, always . when you question and discount the word of God you stop being a believer and automatically become a doubter.

  16. When you have to defend a piece of clabber like the holey bible, you are desperate for any excuse you can find.

  17. - Please quote the verse saying the earth is flat.

    - Wives SHOULD submit to their husbands.  Christians don't like that because its politically incorrect, and don't know the spiritual reason for this.

    - As a Christian, I believe God created the universe.  Him stopping the sun is nothing in comparison to that.

    - I'm still looking at the whole creation account--factual or symbolic?  *shrugs*

    - Again, for a person who believes God created EVERYTHING, its no issue at all to believe He caused animals to talk.  See, that's the crux of it.  As a Christian, I believe in the supernatural, so I actually EXPECT the supernatural to happen.

    - What we call a bird today, maybe they called a bat 4000 years ago *shrugs*.  

    - I'm looking at dinosaurs too.  Maybe they weren't on the boat at all.  Have fossils of tyranos been found that are less than 6000 years old?

    - I know you won't believe this, but when I look at apparant contradictions, I've found explanations--often times very simple explanations, assuming one doesn't WANT the words to be contradictory and hence has that predisposition--for them.  The problem is that Christian doctrine (as opposed to what the scrpitures say--yes, they ARE different) is non-sensical and contradictory, so of course the verses that are used incorrectly to support unscriptural doctrines will contradict other doctrines.

    - Please quote the verse showing God loves incest.

    - God DOES cause such things as hurricanes.  Christians deny these verses because statements like "I...create evil" (Isaiah 45:7) contradict Christian DOCTRINE, but not the message of the scriptures, which says that ALL things are of God.

    - You'll have to be more specific about the murderer part again.  The scrptures do show that God kills.  Do you know the scriptural reason for WHY God kills?  I'd be shocked...not because of you, but because Christian doctrine refuses to believe the verses which shows THAT He kills and WHY He how could you know?  And if you're talking about "h**l"--that's the biggest unscriptural lie to ever come out of the mouth of a Christian.

    You're right about what the "bibleists" say.  The reason for those statements--and I think this is the crux of your question--is this:  Christian doctrine contradicts the scriptures.  So of course, when a person points out the scriptures that break down Christian doctrines (we must tithe 10% of our money, we must go to church on the 7th or 1st day of the week, we have immortal souls, God throws people into h**l where he burns them alive without end, we have the free will to resist all of God's plans, Lucifer was a perfect being to did imperfect things, all we have to do is quote some little mantra to go to heaven, etc.) they have excuses, often weak ones, for it.

    God bless.

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