
Why , according to this document were the americans jusitfied in fighting the british?

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Why , according to this document were the americans jusitfied in fighting the british?




  1. What is the document?

  2. Do you really need justification if enough people are sick and tired of the sitting government?


    When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    Read the whole thing.  Your question will be answered.

  3. another product of our wonderful education system

  4. Americans expressed dissatisfaction, if you will, with the

    policies with several points, already expressed. While I am

    an " American ", my ancesters include Brits, Dutch, German,

    and others who chose to leave and cross The Atlantic -

    "the pond". While my forefathers came for various "isues"-

    the theme was to make a choice. Some came for a new

    beginning, freedom of religion, no"tea tax", and other opportunities

    in The " New World". English Common Law, the Magna Carta, Writ of Habeus Corpus and many, many "basics"

    of English, Dutch, German, etc. are now transparent.

  5. A free person with free will doesn't need any document to justify anything.  The only person anyone truly answers to in this life is themselves.  So it's up to the individual to decide what morals and values are the good ones that they aspire to and what principles are worth fighting for.  The Americans felt they were being oppressed and treated as second-rate by the British and decided to do something about it.  No document needed.

  6. they were rebels, it dont matter what document they show, they were rebels plain and simple

  7. declaration of independence or u want the war of 1812?

  8. The "Americans" chose to fight the British due to the unfairness of the new taxes and the English King George. At first the "Americans" was doing great, but right after the French and Indian War, the British government needed a lot of money to pay for the shortage of money.

  9. What document are you referring to?  If you are referring to American Revolution- becoming our own nation and having a say in the government: what was fair, comes to mind.

  10. I presume that you are referring to the Declaration of Independence.  The colonies were declaring that as human beings they had rights given to them by the simple gift of birth.  They had the right not to be suffering under unreasonable laws and taxes to support a monarch living across the oceans.  They also determined that they had the right to govern themselves in a just and appropriate manner, through representation not through fiat.  The founding fathers assisted in the development of a system of laws based on human rights and a respresentative democracy recognizing the rights of citizens not previous acknowledged.  The justification for these actions is well documented in text books, encyclopedias, on the internet and on television documentaries.  Just take the time to read diaries that exist from that time, letters and the Articles of Confederation.

  11. Whaaaaaaaaa?

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