
Why 13 is consider as unlucky number?

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Why 13 is consider as unlucky number?




  1. Hello

    It is a number that represents change & transformations, which can bring obvious problems. Us humans, being how we are, fear change - so it is unlucky!


  2. There are different theories:

      * Because it's a prime number, therefore you can't divide things evenly amongst 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 people.

      * Because there were 13 people at the last supper, and Judas Iscariot was the 13th person at the table.

      * Because there are 13 moons in a year, and a woman has 13 menstrual cycles in a year, both of which were connected with witchcraft in the middle ages.

      * Because on Friday the 13th, the Templars were slaughtered.

  3. A widespread belief among chiristians because Christ had 12 companions and the last Judas betrayed him to Romans

  4. Superstition.

  5. Superstitions are by no means universal. In such matters having a good worldview is important.

    In some cultures 7 is considered unlucky.

    In many cultures 13 is not considered unlucky.

    For example, in Russia, never give someone a dozen roses! Give then 13; because in Russia even numbers of flowers are only for funerals, so giving even numbers is very bad. So you need to use odd numbers of flowers are for gifts in Russia.

  6. Many Christians have long believed that Friday was unlucky because it was the day of the week when Jesus was crucified. The number 13 was believed to bring bad luck because there were 13 people at The Last Supper.

    I may never have a baker's dozen now, not fair...

  7. it depends on people if u think it is it is

    if u dont its not

  8. what i know is 13 is not a unlucky no. i think they say that is unlucky because the no. 13 is they used to call it FRIDAY THE 13TH thats why they call in us unlucky.

  9. its something to do with jesus and his disciples

    but the friday 13th superstition is stupid

    its not an unlucky day

    I was born on friday 13th, and I've been ok so far!!!

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