
Why 2 cats fight again and again and why one cat just lies down?

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I live on a university campus. I have a cat in my studio. Since past two weeks, another cat suddenly visits the studio and attacks my cat on the sly. My cat has no defense but just lies down on her back.

We thought they were playing, but today we saw a little blood around the place and also my cat's tail looks a little limp.

Any suggestions on their behaviour?




  1. because cats are stupid! i have two and they r so weird, they r brothers and i is 22lbs. and the other is 12lbs.

  2. one always submits. either that or they fight to the death.

    a cat will also lie down to gain an advantage. soft under belly attack.

    you will see this in a small female being attacked by the large male. being the guy, he comes straight in, to show her who is boss. the female uses  this to her advantage, his chest and belly is exposed.

    i would close your door, or trap the other cat and bring it to a shelter.

  3. your cat laying down is telling the other cat that she doesn't want to fight. Its their way of saying hey, I give up now leave me alone.  The cat coming around is he a male and the cat that you already have is it a female?  It could be that the new cat is trying to mate with your cat.  

  4. the other cat may feel that your studio was it's territory first and that is why it attacked your cat. the other cat is protecting it place and your cat is showing submission when

    it lies on its back, I would not let the other cat back into your studio that way your cat will be safe.

  5. I have the very same problem with my cat too. Make sure your cat has all the shots it needs, and when you see wounds clean them. Cats mouths are very dirty and mine got an infection from a cat bite on her stomach that I never noticed, until it was to late. Try to keep them away from each other if you can, and if not break up the fights whenever you can.

    The laying on the back may not be submissive. My cat does that so she can rake the other cat with all four feet. That is also how she got bit on the stomach I assume. Cats have a more simple nervous system then humans do, and don't feel pain as much as we do, so some of the behavior maybe playing, or mating behavior .

    The other thing to remember is that this is the way that cats behave. They are still very close to being wild animals, Domestic cats are the best killing machines on the planet. They have a catch prey at a rate of about 90% and have over 1000 species of mammals, bugs, birds, reptiles and fish that they can and do catch. Fighting and protecting territory is just part of that. Lions hunt about 25 different things and catch them maybe 25% of the time

  6. because thats waht cats do

  7. Your cat lying down is a sign of submission. Be sure to clean your cat's wound with peroxide if necessary and keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't become infected. If I were you I would also take the necessary measures to make sure that stray doesn't have access to your cat anymore because it could carry Feline HIV, Feline Leukemia, Feline Calicivirus, or Rabies.

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