
Why'd I dream about a mute heroine?

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It was an odd dream to have. A woman with long brown hair (who never spoke the whole time) in tattered clothing rescued a man and leaped high onto a second floor. People were chasing her. Across her were windows and she broke them by tossing heavy keys onto them. A chain hung from the ceiling and she grabbed it, held onto the man, and swung through an open window. She left him to run away because she was still being chased. She hid behind a bush seeing the main man in charge of finding her searching for her. He went away and she ran into a school building and into a classroom. All the students and the teacher just stared at her in shock. People ran in and exclaimed that she was a hero for saving that man.

That was all. It was weird. This woman in my dream was remarkable and very athletic, but she looked like an outcast who was too scared, ironically, to speak. Does it have any meaning? I'm just curious. I've never had a dream quite like this before.




  1. usually dreams express emotions of yours that you keep inside of yourself throughout the day and they're released in your dreams.

    what i'm getting out of this dream is that you're torn apart by something, something's really bothering you and you want to do the right thing and fix it but you're afraid because of what others might think.

    also, there's something i read a while ago about dreaming where you can sort of predict the future, like deja vu in a way, but it's because your brain puts pieces of information together to bring out a rational outcome.

    and so the end of your dream as i see it shows that you will receive praise for what you've fixed or saved.

    i hope this helps you understand your dream more and i hope i helped!

  2. Long hair is often a sign of submission in a woman.  It is her "glory" but it represents her ability or desire to adapt herself to a man and be a support and comfort to him.  This woman was extremely capable, and never did anything to draw attention to herself by speaking.  She served admirably and in silence.  Her tattered clothing shows that she perhaps neglects her own needs in service to others, or does not put much effort into presenting herself in an attractive light.

    However, that hair... that ability to be flexible and supportive, is also her "glory" and she should not be despised for it.

    She has wisdom or knowledge, as she had keys that could break open windows.  She knows where the resources are (chain on ceiling) and how to use them to accomplish her goal... rescuing the man who needs her help.  Only after she rescues him does she take care of her own need for safety, running from the many people who are chasing her.  Perhaps these people represent other demands on her time and energy, or the need to take care of herself.

    She ran into the school, and into a classroom.  Apparently, there is much this generation could learn from a woman like her.  

    We tend to look down on women who serve not themselves, but others. This is why she seemed to be an outcast.  This type of strong woman is rejected by our society today. Women of past generations who were strong, who did not work to draw attention to themselves or gain glory for themselves accomplished much, and we today should be wiser in giving them the credit they deserve.

    This woman was strong, a woman of faith (reaching up to a chain (of grace and faith) to carry her when she needed resources beyond her own strength.  

    We have an impoverished generation of young people today, because so few mothers are willing to sacrifice their own glory to support a husband who can work hard to support HER as she does the most important job of all.... nurturing young hearts and minds so that the future will populated with courageous and wise leaders.  There are a few women like this in our day, and if our society survives long enough to depend on those she mentored, I hope we have enough sense to honor her with shining fame.  We need more like her.  Are you signing up for the job?

    God bless you!


  3. you are most likely dreaming about yourself .. you are seeing yourself a strong person but you also feel that you are not being heard by others that are around you.

    you have done many great things in your life and but you feel that when you want to brings your ideas to life that you can't find your voice,

    saving the man is you doing the ground work and not receiving full credit and not given a chance to step into your own and prove you are very capable of success on your own. "being the front women"

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