
Why'd my mom treat me like this?

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O.k. so my sister who is older and her b/f get into a fight over their two sons 16 & 17 yrs. old. and about some other things. My mom comes tells me about it and I say well your grandson isn't perfect either and that there is more to it then meets the eye, there is always at least two stories to ever story and that my sister shouldn't be having dealings with her ex's and that all will eventually be well and that the b/f just needs time to cool off mom said this realtionship is over and she went on and on and I also said that that wasn't her decision to make, she starts yelling at me and tells me she needs a break from me and that I need to grow up... She leaves work and doesn't come in today either! What is her deal? She doesn't call me and is very hatered toward me! My sister always sticks up for my husband and I'm greatful and I thought I was doing the same for her- well now the fight is over and like I said - all is well now and my mom is still pissed at me! I don't get it! Can't consintrate on my work, can't sleep I was up three times last night crying, and fuc_ this sh_t! I'm MAD! and all I was trying to do is let her see a different side to the story!!! Her and my sister are getting along well and life is great for them! I also told my mom that it wasn't very good avise that she gave to my sister b/c it wasn't the same advice she gave me when I was having problems with my three step daughters mom told me to stick it out they'll all grow up and move out and then it will just be the two of us and she was right and I was greatful for that advice but she is trying to convince my sister to leave him.. And it's only been a year and a 1/2 can any one please shed some light on this one???? For me.... Why is my mom mad at me? why doesn't she answer the phone when I call? and why am I the bad person here? Why am I the one she needs a break from? Why she be like that to me??????




  1. She's mad at your for not agreeing with her, and maybe there is also more to this story than you know about.  You know sometimes you can also be spending too much time with your mother, believe it or not, and you need time away from each other.  I know I do and I'm fairly close to my mother.  I wouldn't call her anymore, give her some time to cool off and she'll probably call you later since your all so close.  

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