
Why's Russia upset about the missile system in Poland?

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Isn't it like when they had one in Cuba?




  1. Linlyon's is just a brainwashed lib-tard that always blames America. Equating soviet nuclear weapons to a defense shield designed to protect the whole of Europe is just a weeeee bit retarded . Although it makes sense to the irrational liberal mind I suppose...

    We have the RIGHT as the most powerful nation on earth to do whatever the h**l we please, that includes protecting our allies from KGB-commie-loving Russia

    Linlyon's....shouldn't you be living in Iran right about now?

  2. <<Isn't it like when they had one in Cuba?>>

    uh yeah.

    and wasn't the US just really happy to have those missiles in Cuba.

    which almost started WW3.

    it is absolutely astounding that the US is doing the same thing.

    it would be good to keep in mind that as a result of Cuba, the US removed it's missiles from Turkey.

    it's good not to have missiles too close.

    if there's some kind of mistake in the early warning system, it gives the countries time to sort out the mess.

    if they're really close, then there isn't that extra time.

    and maybe an incorrect response will be taken.

    if Russia is returning to more of a cold war stance, then it becomes even more important not to have missiles too close, so that Russia won't think the US is attacking, when it's not, and launch a retaliation that is not justified.

    keep in mind, missiles don't come with an "I'm an attack missile" or an "I'm a defense missile" stamp on the side.

    you just have to take the word of whoever manufactures the missile.

    and considering the fiasco in justifying the Iraq war, the US at this point has about zero credibility around the world.

    you are safer if the missiles are not in Europe.

    EDIT:  i note some pretty uninformed answers.

    eg,  which country has the most to fear from Iran?


    are the "defense" missiles in Poland going to be of any use?


    but that's supposed to be the justification.

    so what is it?

    are we protecting against Iran?

    or are we lying to the world again?

    then there's the comments about the strongest country in the world.

    that's still bogged down in Iraq.

    and Afghanistan.

    and having trouble in Pakistan.

    and paying N. Korea.

    and has the largest debt in the history of the world -- both national debt and trade deficit.

    and doing absolutely nothing about Russia's sending troops into Georgia.

    and doing absolutely nothing about China's taking over Tibet.

    it may well be that we have more nuclear missiles and bombs than anyone else.

    but Russia still has some - quite a lot actually - and somehow, "coming out less worse" in a nuclear exchange doesn't thrill me a lot.

    so, if we can't use our nuclear weapons, and need to depend on our general military, which isn't doing all that well in Iraq or Afghanistan, the claim of "strongest country in the world" rings more than a little hollow.

    btw, if you consider ground forces, compared to China, our military is somewhat closer to that of the Vatican.

  3. Wow, linlyons is obviously very intelligent. How on Earth can they miss the obvious truth? Puck nailed it. They are not the same since they are designed to destroy the types of missiles that were placed in Cuba. The Russians are in a period of expansionist fever. They need their neighbors compliant in order to retake the former satellites. Poland is obviously not behaving compliantly. This angers Russia. They have a sense of historical entitlement. Think France only tough as nails, paranoid and willing to fight.

  4. I say why should Russia believe the US when they say it is only defensive?  We all know the US government never lies about anything.  

  5. No. The system in Poland is a missile defense shield aimed at protecting Europe.

    The Cuban system was for aggressive purposes with nuclear missiles aimed directly at US cities.

    They are not the same. With the recent show of force by the Russians in Georgia, I'd say the Russians are against it because it would prevent them from gaining control over their former Soviet states.

    The US has even considered allowing the Russians to participate in every level of security regarding the shield, to assure them the Cold War is over, and we would like to work WITH them. The Russians oppose the shield because of their ambitions to recapture their old Soviet territories, end of. To suggest we will all be safer, especially from hostile nations such as Iran WITHOUT the defense shield in Europe is a typical response from cowardly Europeans who fear any sort of confrontation. Just sit down, be quiet, don't offend anyone, and they won't harm us? If we tread softly, they'll leave us alone? Cowards! That didn't work with Hitler, it doesn't work with Terrorists, and it won't work with the Russians, either. Time for Europe to grow a spine!

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