
Why 5men & 6 woimen in diana jury? should be 12 in jury. is it valid?

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Why 5men & 6 woimen in diana jury? should be 12 in jury. is it valid?




  1. It doesn't matter how many are elected to go on the jury, it is just a public show to quieten the few people who after all these years are still bleating on about it. it is history

  2. An odd number, in this case 11 prevents a tie from occurring, thus reventing a hung jury.

  3. As noted, it is a coroners jury.  The law is different with the number of jurors in criminal trials compared to the number needed in a coroners jury.

  4. Coroner's jury is always 11 in England.

  5. It does not matter, this is a coroners inquiry. The jury will not rule the Coroner will. He can disregard what the jury says if he wants.

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