
Why AM i Scared of Outer Space?

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I can't see pictures or anything to do with outerspace. I feel stupid but, i just can't.( i mean outerspace like the planets, the sun, the moon).Pls give me some thoughts




  1. You have something called Astrophobia- the fear of stars or celestial space. Or Spacephobia which is pretty straight forward- the fear of outer space. You're probably so afraid of it because it's unknown, mysterious, quite abandoned and contains a very tricky envoirnment. Don't worry. For billions of years the sun has come up and gone down the same, and it will continue to do so. That's what will help you overcome this fear. When things consistently don't go wrong, your fear will naturally dissipate. It's hard to stay vigilant against a threat that doesn't appear.

  2. perhaps you have agoraphobia?

  3. fear of the unknown, or incomprehensible?

  4. Maybe open space... Where you are alone or just scared of aliens invaded. Or it is a phobia.

  5. Its quite natural what is even more scary is that fact that the stars and planets out there make some kind of ghouly the ones brought back by the voyager space probes...

  6. you are afraid of what is out there, or the lack of something out there.

  7. Well, considering the way Hollywood and the popular imagination in general have depicted fictional aliens, plus the "abduction" stories, it's not at all surprising.

    The more you learn about science though, the more you realize how ridiculous that all is. If life exists "out there" at all, (and it probably does somewhere) it's probably not going to look like this:

    Try watching (or reading) some more "gentle" stories. "A Wrinkle in Time" is great for a sensitive soul.

  8. psychologically, you are afraid of the unknown. your scared to think of this mass amount of uncharted territory. you want to be able to say that you can't get lost in the world... but when you look at the pictures you think "if i was there, how could i get back?" its a sense of feeling lost in the universe. its the vast amount of unknown that makes you feel this way. don't feel alone... many people have this problem. if you want to get it fixed, there are psychological treatments, and i sugest seeing a liscenses therapist.

    this problem could be caused by subconcious emotions in the depths of your psychi. again, i sugest seeing a professional, or staying away from pictures of outerspace.

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