
Why ARE women oppressed anyway?

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I think it comes down to a few things.

1. Size difference. When you're bigger than something else in nature, you're generally dominant over it.

2. "Popular vote". It seems more women are pro-men, than men who are pro-women. Part of why women are oppressed is because some women think they should be (of course, they can't and shouldn't speak for all women).

3. Religion. Religion was invented by chauvinists to exaggerate the natural power differential between the sexes.

4. Jealousy. I think men are actually deep down jealous of women's ability to give birth and feel compassion more naturally. P*ssy envy, if you will. They have this need to prove dominance, when really women are the superior s*x in a way (speaking as a man).




  1. women can vote,women can work,women can go to the army,women can hold high positions,women don't have to pay for anything.

    so how is that being oppressed?

  2. some men are just not oppressed but also unintelligent  

  3. Sounds like the words of yet another sexist feminist. Women aren't oppressed! Feminism has a very strong link to middle class white backgrounds. Hardly oppression if you ask me.

  4. How are women oppressed?

  5. I think you're on the right track, especially  with 1 and 4.

    Religion however is problematic. I think it's over-simplification to say that chauvinists invented religion to exaggerate power differences. Otherwise, we'd be hard-pressed to explain ancient goddess-worshiping religions. I think that patriarchal religions were not consciously invented. They grew out of the size= power in nature thing and were later used to justify it.

  6. I think that the size and strength difference was the problem in past history but religions keep the problem going.

  7. Women aren't oppressed.

    There really is not now, nor was there ever, any oppression of women.

  8. women are oppressed only for one reason.

    because they are weak

  9. Well 1 is not necessarily true.  Last night I saw a special on women bodybuilders on MSNBC, and those women were very strong and dedicated to the sport.  2 may be true, but only because of the ditzy bimbos who need a man in their life constantly so that they feel "important."  The 3rd one is by far the truest of the 4.  I can't tell you how many times I hear religious fanatics beating up on feminists and women in general.  These Bible thumpers are the ones who are against abortion and equal rights in the workplace.  And lastly, the 4th one sounds very true because I've heard that theory before.  Some men feel that they have to act all tough and they separate themselves from their emotions and whatnot.  But that's why we have school shootings and hate crimes.  

  10. I still don't get it.  Will someone give me some concrete examples of how women are being oppressed?  I'm tearing my hair out trying to figure this out.  

    Examples in developed countries, please.

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