
Why ASSUME Coming Ice Age, Global Warming, Climate Change is TRUE?

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Liberals ASSUME there is a Coming Ice Age, or Global War ming or Climate Change is true by vague references to the few VERY LIBERAL Ph.D.'s who have come out in support of this. But I have NEVER seen ALL relevant Ph.D.' s take a stand.

Why can we not assume there is a God. Oh that' s different....




  1. You have a firm grip on the caps lock, and a grudge to bear against liberals, but let's take a look at your question.

    Human-related global climate change is a REALITY.

    And how do you know which Ph.D's are LIBERAL?  Isn't their politics irrelevant, since we all share the same planet and resources?

    A conservative liberal.

  2. Everyone keeps saying its political fault for saying Global Warming is coming.  Individuals shouldn’t be thinking politics, if anything; politics is what is limiting change.  

    Every person seeks power, power to control others, power to control their own life, and those in power, need to be watch with keen eye.  For those with great power, comes great responsibility, as Churchill would say.  Those with power, are holding all the cards, and if Global Warming is a way for those individuals to make money, what’s the big deal?  Oil companies are raping you everyday, and I don’t hear you individuals over throwing the idea of 118 dollars a barrel.  You live with it, and work around it, because you are governed to do so.  If you few individuals can’t see we are changing our planet, then your eyes are closed.  For if you are in second question of the fact, just pull up some light pollution pictures.  Look at earth at night from space, and see what we people have done.  Think about the resources we use everyday, and the things we can do to change it.  

    Everyone speaks of change as a bad thing, and why is this, are we in fear of new?  I know people only seek desires, and thinks for themselves, except for the few.  Maybe the whole bold GLOBAL WARMING is getting blow out of proportion, but we are polluting, and depleting the natural resources at an alarming rate.  I also hear everyone talk about the planet in the past, and the changes it made.  However, what about the huge amount of population change, we grow in population at an alarming rate.  China has placed a cap on population to contain the amount of people living there.  Granted we have twice as much land here in the U.S. but should we not think about trying to slow this down; twice as many people, means twice as many resources used.  Maybe we are not going too drowned anytime soon, but this planet sure will get unhealthy quickly.

  3. The problem with the issue is people think it is a "liberal" thing, just because Al Gore talks about it.  

    People from all political positions believe it is true.

    And  it's not just a "few very liberal Ph.D.'s" who believe it.  You could do some research.

  4. Why depend on Ph.D. liberal or not. Pick up any textbook on climatology from your local library, or any book on climate change or global warming and you will find that climate change is cyclical. An age of warming usually lasting from beginning to end approx. 100,000 years, is followed by an age of cooling lasting approx. the same time. The last glacial age or cooling age ended about 11,000 years ago. Since then we have been in a warming period.

  5. Your liberal detector is on the fritz.  You probably need to trade it in for some chicken bones.

  6. I wasn't aware these were assumptions.   There has been a great deal of evidence put forth.  It is up to you to decide whether you agree with it or not.

    As for the FEW VERY LIBERAL Ph.d's........a majority of the scientific community (both conservative and liberal) during the past 10 years agree with the evidence that global warming does exist and we are now seeing its effects.  It is actually much rarer now to find scientists that dispute global warming.

    The assumption of God.......well, that's a personal decision.

    You seem pretty smart but I think your information is a little outdated.   Where did you get your info from? Academic articles? Popular media? Or casual conversation? Popular media or word-of-mouth tend to not always be current with the scientific community.

  7. there IS proof of global warming.

    there ISN"T proof of a god.

  8. get thee to the religion board!

  9. There's too many people and institutions that as a people,  we have placed in control over our own affairs from government to the United Nations, a bloated money hungry entity that does almost nothing.  It's time to take responsibility for our own lives and not let Hollywood, government, Liberals and Oprah Winfrey tell us what to do and how to live so they can have more of everything while we scratch and compete.

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