
Why Africa is so rich in wildlife?

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Why Africa is so rich in wildlife?




  1. Less people, less density of people.. In fact ALL of the Earth mostly was "rich in wildlife" -- from Brazil through Central America.. less people usually means more wildlife across temperature/landscapes that are more inhabitable.  You tell me why there's not a whole lot of wildlife across China today, and how the habitat for the Bengal Tiger threatens its existance (vs. the population of India etc.)... vs. the huge reserves etc. for the African lion. Think about how the American landscape has changed since the 1830's -- of bison, wolves, even armadillo (thaks to the highway system), frogs, turtles, eagles, Florida panther, manatees vs. recreational motorboats.

    Africa is a giant continent, and as different as Asia... and the wildlife is Asia varies from orangutans & mud puppies to large brown bears and elephants and tigers. Truth is, wildlife is rich everywhere, or at least was. There's less wildlife in Africa, across the northern Sahara and over to Egypt to Tunesia etc. because there's been people on horseback there hunting, eating, farming, etc. for 1,000s of years. Therefore, less lions etc. (but there were). In Europe for example, did you know that there were elephants? and 100,000s of bears & wolves (no more, but in the old fables & fairy tales of yore)...

    Africa is diverse from larger animals to ones nearly/never associated with the continent -- like flamingos & ostriches & pelicans.. because of the expanse, the land mass, and the relative lack of human exploitation/population booming in ration with the land... Think France & Germany and 1,000s of years of war, famine, marauding, Roman Empire depleting Europe's alligators & hippos (!!!!!!!!!) for sport and amusement in the colissuems dotting the Empire.. Think England vs. Madagasgar.

  2. Megafauna (which is what you're talking about, I believe) exist on Africa today largely because the ancestors of Rhinos, Lions, Hippos, et al adapted to living in the presence of intelligent upright primates.  American and Australian megafauna did not, and thus were able to be driven to extinction with neolithic technology.  Asia and Europe's Megafauna did not suffer as greatly as America and Australia's, you can still find Asian Elephants and Lions, after all. I am of the belief that the reason for megafauna extinctions in Eurasia is not maladaptation to humans of neolithic technology, but rather because Eurasia was the source of some of the first advanced civilizations, which were able to make iron tools and manipulate their environment, and discovered these abilities too rapidly, in evolutionary terms, for most Eurasian megafauna to adapt, assuming they could.

  3. because the good climate help them a lot let's renember that the biggest creatures like dinosaur lived in warm ,tropical places similar to africa.And where the climate is hot there are lot's of plants therefore lot's of herbivores therefore lot's of predators

  4. One theory is that humans evolved there and the native life that survives is somewhat adapted to exist with us while large animal life on other continents has often disappeared after humans arrived.

  5. This is partly due to the tropical/equatorial location of most of Africa. A warmer climate means plants can grow year round, providing ample food for many creatures large and small. It also enables a great variety of thermophilic life, such as reptiles, to survive. Also, Africa has remained largely undeveloped compared to Europe.

  6. Primarily all continents were rich in wildlife. Civilization with its high population density, extended agriculture at the expense of pasture ,factories, plenty of vehicles, noises, political instability, wars, pollution, all these help very much in the reduction of wildlife. Game animals need a very quite isolated natural environment.

  7. Africa is NOT the richest in wildlife.  South America is.  You are probably thinking only of large animals, but there are far, far more small animals than large ones on this planet.

  8. It is not the riches in regards to wildlife.  Many more animals have gone extinction in Africa then any other continent.  The vast majority due to habitat destruction and hunting.  South America currently holds the widest variety and numbers of many species.

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