
Why Air Navigation starts from navi, which is from navy, means water and used by marine lexicon?

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Why Air Navigation starts from navi, which is from navy, means water and used by marine lexicon?




  1. Attempts have been made over the years to change to a less nautical term.  In the 1960s, the term "avigation" was promoted, but it just didn't catch on.

    The older words seem more familiar, and people are comfortable.  And many of the same principles apply to air navigation that apply to sea navigation.

    Deductive reckoning, for example, which is the art of estimating a position by deducing the direction and distance of motion from vessel speed, compass heading, and winds began on the sea and carried over to air travel.

    Many people call it "dead reckoning," but that is a misunderstanding of the old abbreviation "ded. reckoning," which stood for "deductive reckoning."

    But again, it's still just the fact that traditional words and concepts are more familiar to people.

  2. Navy is the younger word by the way, navigate is still used to avoid confusion much the way "car" is used to describe automobile when in fact it is the short form of carraige.

  3. Lots of aviation from the nautical:  position lights are the same as boats, the whole naviagtion thing (since air is also a fluid), captain's authority (except I can't marry people), etc.

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