
Why Al-Qaeda and the dems are so concerned about an US victory in Iraq?

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Why Al-Qaeda and the dems are so concerned about an US victory in Iraq?




  1. What dude?

  2. What? Not sure what your asking there buddy. It seems to me you are trying to spark an argument about this war, but if a little piece of the U.S new what was really going on over there no one would complain. People don't realize it, but most of the things that are good and progressive can't be broadcast on National TV. Example:

    "U.S. Intelligence recently infiltrated Al-Qaeda meeting disguised as a servant"

    Are armed forces and other contributors to the war effort will do more good than anyone will ever hear about. It's the only reason why people complain. They can't feel a tangible progress.

  3. People keep using the phrase "victory in Iraq". But nobody has ever defined what "victory" means.

    We are not fighting a single enemy in Iraq. There is nobody who can surrender to us. No single headquarter we can take out to end the conflict. No finish line that we can measure progress towards.

    We are not even one of the sides in the Iraq conflict. The Iraq conflict is a multi-faction political and sectarian civil war. We're not one of the factions. We're not one of the sides.

    We're simply there in support of one of the sides -- the govt we installed. But the vast majority of the Iraq people don't support that govt -- which is obvious from the fact that most of the country is still fighting each other, and even members of parliament are attacking each other in the halls.

    We cannot achieve "victory" in Iraq because we have nothing to gain for ourselves.

    So, why are our political leaders concerned about an open-ended indefinite military occupation of a country that's fighting itself, when that occupation is costing dozens of US lives every week, and tens of billions of dollars every month? That should be obvious.

    Why is one of the terrorist organization who has vowed to attack the US paying attention? Because Iraq is a great recruiting ground for them. The longer we stay there, the more hatred Iraqis feel for us, and the more Al Qaeda get to recruit people. There wasn't even an Al Qaeda branch in Iraq until more than a year after the US occupation began, and it was formed for the sole purpose of opposing us.

    I'm guess that what you really wanted to ask was why Democrats would be afraid of a US victory in Iraq. It's nonsensical question because the concept of a US "victory" is meaningless. We can declare victory any time we want, be cause we're the only ones setting goals for ourself.

    Why be afraid of a meaningless concept.

  4. Bonneville, I've addresed the successes and factions in my blog:  While I steer away from political platforms, I am very vocal about the 'ground' truth and how "certain politicians" are trampling the bodies of my fallen brothers for their political agenda.

    My interests are our national security and the fact that the media uses negative reporting to undermine it as well as the President for their own political agenda.

    I assert that even those now campaigning on a retreat from the battlefield will in all liklihood backpedal on the issue and suddenly find good reason (AQ) to stay after they've achieved their stateside political victory.

    I have provided (independently) documented proof that Al-Qaeda is there and that they are foreign to Iraq. 40-60 cross the Syrian border each month.  And reports indicate 800-2000 are in Iraq at any given time.  A major in the Army has stated that as far as he can estimate '100% of suicide bombers are foreign.'

  5. Because you already celebrated victory 3 years ago after the first round and have lost every round since.  The Dems will be concerned about having to surrender to Iraq when they get in. Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden just can't stop laughing about how they suckered you into attacking a militarily superior country that had no connection to them and now have to pay ever more for the oil that it was all in aid of!  Doh!

  6. A better question is, "Why does the GOP hide behind calling the Dems "unpatriotic" or "wanting the terrorists to win" instead of trying to rectify an operation that has failed in both planning and implementation?

  7. Al-qaeda because it means an end to a way alife and the Democrats because it means they were wrong.

  8. The Dems are concerned because it would be a victory for Bush and the GOP and hence the GOP would win more elections.

    Al Qaeda is concerned because they want to establish their will any where they can, they will do it by brutality and murder like they are in Iraq right now.  They know that if we win, they will likely be marginalized in Iraq and have no power.   This is why our patience is so necessary.  It does not matter why we went to Iraq in the first place. We are there so we need to make the best of it.  If we leave too soon Iran and AQI will overrun the country and make it worse than it was under saddam.  Potentially like Somalia or Sudan.  If the only reason we stayed in Iran was for Humanitarian reasons it would be worth it.

  9. it will make the Repubs look good therefore negating all their talk talk talk of the last few years

  10. It's all about the war and winning due to the Republicans that voted GWB in office. Perhaps a democrat is the answer to peace again. We are long overdue. Republicans promote War they live for it.

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