
Why Ali (RA) made Fatima (RA) angry according to shias books?

by Guest21282  |  earlier

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When Fatima asked for Fadak from Abu Bakr and he refused to give it to her, she returned full of anger that could not be described and she was sick; and she was angry with Ali because he refused to help her.”

(Al-Majlisi’s Haqq-ul-Yaqeen, pp.203-204; also recorded in Al-Tusi’s Amali, p.295)




  1. s**+'a made up lots of stories and fairytale

  2. LOL shia books are full of angry people

  3. MSN a Typical stupid Iranian Shia !

    this is record you gave him the reference for AL Majlisi's Haqq al yaqin the most authentic shia hadith in shiaism religion and this hadiths also recorded in other book of shiaism religion and he asks for links a typical shia BRAIN !

    MSN(blue) go open a book!

  4. If Ali (as) nauzobillah made Hazrat Fatima (as) angry, then why did She marry Imam Ali (as) ONLY and ignored other proposals in which umer and abu bakr's were also included? Read in your books!

  5. You do realize scholars mention weak and incorrect hadiths in their books to show what the other side says don't you? The more you read the hadiths from both schools the more you realize both sides quote each other's dodgy hadiths. They didn't write these books for the layman - they intended educated people to read them and understand what was right and wrong. But Bukhari wrote his book slightly educated people and high-end scholars but look at the mess he made when the poor Sunni commoners took his words as if it were their second quran and then the commoners became scholars and here we are today asking ourselves why so an so said the next book after the Quran is bukhari.

  6. Because the hadith you're putting up here is not a Shia hadith. In other words, you're another Wahhabi liar.

    Care to provide a link? Err, there is no link to this lie, other than some Wahhabi site.

  7. what is abu bakr  

  8. Aright Sorry

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