
Why Am I Growing Slowly??? Help!!?

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Ok I Have a Problem here. I just want Somebody to just PLEASE answer all these questions and it will make me feel better.

1. How come I am growing slowly? im just 5'8 160 my mom is 5'4 and dad is 5'10

2.How much does a person usually grow in 2 months?

3. anybody got some height storys they wanna tell me to make me feel better cuz im just extremely sad that i am growing so slowly.

4. Will i still grow?

5. Does anyone have facts about height?

6. Does weight effect growth?

7.what can i do to grow taller (food)

8. What exericses?

Please answer ALL these questions please. I would appreciate it.




  1. dude 5'8 is good height for 13...reason u r growing slower is that u might have already had ur growth spurt..but yes u will grow more man

  2. 1. You don't mention your age so why you're growing slowly isn't clear. If you are in your late teens you will grow slower because you are nearly done growing. You sound at the right height now that you're in between your parents' heights.

    2. You don't grow much at all in 2months, perhaps 1 or 2cms at the most in such a short space of time

    3. Height stories - I have lots of male friends who are shorter than you and are very attractive. And I have lots of male friends who were short for years and are now nearly 6ft

    4. You will still grow depending on your age, most men stop growing around the age of 22

    5. Facts about height - your height is destined in your DNA, and cannot be changed, sped up, or stunted. Your skeletal structure is determined purely by your genes, and will be similar to your parents combined. You cannot change your height with food, drink, exercise or dangling from trees, or sleeping for longer - just as you cannot change a black person into a white person without chemicals on your skin.

    6. Weight does NOT affect growth, Some people believe that being heavy makes it harder for bones to grow, which is ridiculous.

    7. You cannot do anything to grow taller. The food and drink you eat can only improve bone DENSITY, not length, and can give you healthy joints.

    8. No exercises change your skeletal structure, only muscle.

    Think about it - why would anyone be short if they could change their height? Look it up on websites that tell the truth, you cannot change your height. Don't fall for stupid myths about drinking milk and eating your veg - they do NOT affect your bone structure!! Only bone health and density.

    Be happy with your height no matter when you do stop growing.

  3. Awwwww!  Mercy!  We're having a Pity Party here!    You failed to mention your age - so I have no idea if 5'8" is short or tall for you.  You are so busy felling sorry for yourself & wanting answers to EVERYTHING, you fail to provide enough information to receive a reasonably intelligent answer. If you are 14 or 15, then you have at least 5 more years of growth potentail ahead of you.  You may get a few growth spurts along the way. Eat a healthy diet, drink lots of milk, get adequate amount of exercise & follow the Yellow Brick Road to health & happiness.  There is no quick fix - no magic potions - no way to guesstimate how much you will grow nor how fast you will grow.  You need to learn patience or you will encounter many disappointments in your lifetime.  Accept what God blesses you with & get on with the rest of your life.  Study hard & get good grades & enjoy your teen years, if, indeed, you are still a teen.  Good Luck.

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