
Why Am I Scared Of Swimming?

by Guest32015  |  earlier

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I have been taught swimming for about 3 years now. The first two was from YMCA and my last one was in high school. We were forced to swim anyways. I just got scared of diving. When I look in the water I couldn't jump in. And when I did, I felt I almost drowned. How can I overcome the fear of diving and swimming. We have to learn swimming next for my sophomore year.




  1. If your scared of swimming then try to build up your confidence. Once you realise that the human body floats if it has air in its lungs you should be able to shake off the fear. Also you could have diving competitions with your friends throw something to the bottom of the pool and bring it back to the surface etc.

  2. You aren't scared of swimming. You're scared of drowning. It's all about gaining confidence in the water, that as long as you have air in your lungs, you won't sink. The movement of your legs propels you forwards, whilst the movement of your arms, lifts your face above the water.

  3. hang out in the shallow end. it will give you more confidence because you will know that you can always step on the ground if you feel like you're drowning. also, because you're uncomfortable in the water, make sure you always swim with another person to watch out for you.

  4. go to the beach and get dumped by a wave if u can walk away from that sayn it wasnt that bad u should b able to handle a little pool situation

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