
Why Am I So Addicted To s*x?! Please Please Don't Report This...

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Ok I have asked this now about 3 times and people keep reporting me with me not being able to see some of the answers people gave. all i want to know is what to do now, i really do need help. so please don't report this...

ok so i am addicted to a s*x website, i email men back and have s*x with them. but the sick thing is is that i am 17 and i am having s*x with 30, 40, 50 year olds (i am in the UK so it is all legal but still..) i have not told anyone about this because i like the thrill of sneaking around and hiding things not to mention the amazing s*x. i mean its not like i can't even get a boyfriend around my own age, i have had loads and either i have cheated because i have not had enough s*x or they have dumped me because 'they could not keep up.'

I know that this is wrong, i could get anything or anything could happen to me but i act like i don't care.

Does anyone know what i can do to get rid of this addiction?

I do really need peoples help so please don't report this.

(sorry about the category I don't really know which one to put it in.)




  1. You need a s*x therapist to help you or a psychologist;...

  2. Tell your parents or a school counselor. They can get you the help you need.

  3. block the website so you cant get on anymore

  4. WTF????

  5. my advice to you: stop visiting that website!  i know it will be extremely hard because you are addicted, but it will help you immensely, i promise!  good luck!

  6. go to church

  7. Okay... For reals...

    What do you want to do with your life? Do you want to own a business? land? be a lawyer? a chef? Do you want to take people on airplane skydiving rides?

    Since you can't do anything about being orphaned. You can't do anything about not having family. You can't do anything about not having someone to talk to. BUT you CAN do somehting about what you focus your energy on. Right now it's attention from a man. Good, now that you got that out of your system, maybe you can start thinking about the future. Your future. No one has to play with the cards they're dealt with. You can start over. It may mean being without computer or cell phone until you can control yourself enough to focus on what more you want in life than just s*x. Maybe going to school. Maybe seeing the world. Since you've had your share of crazy life, maybe you have what the secret services are looking for? I bet the CIA would beg for you to come work for them. NO JOKE! I've read the requirements to become one. You match precicely what they want. You want to be secret... go learn what it takes to be a spy! You can even have s*x with the bad guys! I"M NOT KIDDING!

    OR you could be an amazing business woman who doesn't take c**p from anyone ever. You have no fear! Use that to your advantage, A woman CEO with no fear of the other s*x? Powerful!

  8. It's actually in the right category.

    Get some help.

    I'm not trying to be mean or anything, honestly get some help.

    I wouldn't advise talking to a school counselor! But, Maybe Talk to your parents about it.

    Go see someone. (:

    Good Luck hun!

  9. It sounds like you have a need to be wanted and you are a thrill seeker and a risk taker. All this could indicate low self esteem. If you have a look at this and related web pages, it may give you an insight into a solution.

    There is always the possibility you like risky s*x, but there has to be a reason for that. If you want to stop, you are going to have to identify the trigger. It may be you were sexualised at a young age, this can have serious repercussions. I would suggest you need to speak to a psychosexual analyst or one from the web sites I have recommended. Good luck, do this before some nut job kills you for kicks,please.

  10. i would stop going onto that should not be having s*x at that age and then find a great guy to just settle down with for a little bit...maybe it could work out for you two.

  11. Therapy. Good luck.  

  12. You need ro see  a shrink and there are alot of cruel people are on the Internet. Enjoy your youth. Go to college  and see the world.

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