I have had my permit for over a year now and I am due to get my license. I am a really good driver when it comes to town/rural roads. I live in the mountains of NC so NO ROADS ARE STRAIGHT they are always curvy and you always need to stay alert lol. But for some reason I am so nervous to go on highways and interstates, especially due to changing lanes. I had no problems what so ever when i was with my drivers ed teacher, but for some reason I just get scared. Im just confussed on if i got my mirrors set up correctly and that i can see every car. So basically its just passing lanes that scared the c**p out of me. Please give me some tips!
I hate how my drivers ed took us to roads in the middle of no where that had no traffic for about a week and then took us downtown and ont he interstate for only 1 day, i think its worthless, i need more practice for city traffic. I live in Asheville, NC, so the traffic gets very congested here durring peak hours! Thanks for your help! I greatly appreciate it!