
Why American Christians , many of them, believe in "rapture"?

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I have lived in many countries, I was born in Switzerland, NO ONE has ever heard of raptures.

Why do they spread this type of bs over there?

I am aware that a scottish invented this idea in the 1800 , someone told me this on this forum.

I would not have found out if it had not been for this American forum.

So, why are the Christians so different there?




  1. God's Wrath abides on the disbelievers ( ) (lol.)

  2. The people saying the Scottish invented this idea in the 1800's are wrong.  The Rapture is in the Bible, although it is not called that.

    I have not lived in other places in the world, so I don't know why Christians there wouldn't believe in the Rapture, since it is in the Bible.  Is freedom of religion and speech prevalent in those nations?  If not, this could be why you haven't heard of it.

    Edit:  So you are happy there, I take it.  Then stay there.  My ancestors left for a reason, hon.  Or maybe, if our beliefs are considered "insane" over there, that's another reason our fellow Christians might keep their end-times prophetic beliefs to themselves.  I am an attorney here, btw.  We also have judges, doctors, bankers, accountants, brokers and all other kinds of people who believe like I do.

  3. I know the feeling , I am dutch and live in United States.

    I was not aware of how many religious sects and religious fanatics were in is truly scary!

  4. I think it's just an American thing.

    We dont have too many reglion nutjob in Australia ( well we do but not to the same extent as America).

    The other problem is that in America reglion and politics are closely linked. This is not the case in Australia ( We have the christain democrat party but no one votes for them so it's all good)

  5. Me too!!

    They have a lot of religious wackos in United States.

    Be afraid! be really afraid!

    You see , their pastors brainwashes them with c**p!

  6. So if you find out something that is rare to believe in, it is immediately consider BS?

    Why is it that people who hear something new want to consider it ridiculous as a first reaction?

    Perhaps you don't give it a fair hearing.

  7. Because their denominations, its church leaders, and seminaries teach it.

    There is a passage in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 that describes an event that many call the rapture.  Exactly what happens in the event and when is a matter of interpretation.

  8. The deep South has a major problem with their drinking water. : )

    Northern American Deist

  9. It's in the Bible.  How can you be a christian and not read the bible? ........ Not the word rapture but the act of being raptured.

  10. Ever here of PT Barnum (A sucker is born every min)

  11. Just as many other things are bigger in America, so are their delusions.

    The concept of "the rapture" was invented in the early 1800s and later promoted by a failed Irish lawyer and an officer who served in the Confederate Army who lied on oath in order to get into political office and was thrown out of office in disgrace when discovered.

  12. They want an easy way out so they convince themselves that they won't have to suffer. Totally contrary to what Jesus said.

    John Darby, founder of the Plymouth Brethren, put forth the Pre-Tribulation Rapture theory around 1830 after traveling to northern Scotland to meet with Margaret McDonald, a woman in who had a "vision" during a serious illness. This "vision" convinced her that Christ would come in two stages. (This was near the time Joseph Smith wrote the book of Mormon because of a "vision")  Prior to that, no theologian or denomination had ever suggested a "two stage" coming of Christ; not Martin Luther, not Calvin, not Wycliff. The Early Church Fathers never suggested Christ would come again in two stages.

    The Pre-Tribulation theory is currently enjoying tremendous popularity among some Evangelicals due to the "Left Behind" series of books and movies. The theory is also a common belief among those who believe in the "prosperity" gospel (that says if we have enough faith we'll be prosperous like Jabez.)  These two theories suggest that faithful Christians will not undergo persecutions or suffering, and will have material prosperity. Utter hogwash.  

  13. If a tornado takes a person up but does not return the person to the earth would that be considered a rapture? Science says what goes up must come down right? Do the laws of science apply to Jesus Christ too? What goes up must eventually come back down. Two will be working in the field one will be taken one will be left! At Jesus's second coming I believe this is when the rapture will occur those taken up will not return and those left behind will inherit the earth and its Things. God bless all

  14. Sad to say many preachers use this word to replace "caught up" in the english bible.  Then they change the context and the time of its occurance which ends up a false teaching,  Very sad.

  15. I guess the only thing to tell you is that there will come a day when all of the people whom you see as bs spreaders, you know, the ones who read their bibles and study to learn the truth? You will look around and we will all be gone and then you will have no one to try to convince about the Rapture being insane bs.. Then all of you left will be in the same leaky boat together. Maybe you might find out the truth before that happens. I will be praying so.

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