
Why American girls don't like to take shower at night?

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some people here said that they don't take rather to shower in the morning b/c they can start their day fresh. . so. does it mean that American girls sleep stinking ??




  1. What. I always take showers!

  2. I shower at all different times of the day, sometimes more than once. Why is this only asked about american girls?  

  3. lol I've wondered the same thing!  I'm an American and I've always taken showers at night.  I don't want to crawl between my nice clean sheets and get sweat all over them and smear oil from my face and hair all over my pillowcase.  

  4. One shower a day is generally enough. If I am stinking at night, like if I worked out, then I would shower. But the main reason I shower in the morning is so I do not go through the day with bed head.  I need to wash my hair and fix it from lying on it during the night.

  5. I'm an American girl and I shower every night.

  6. What? I don't think I've ever heard of that...

  7. I only take showers at night after having worked out... otherwise I much prefer to wake up, and start my day fresh... Who really cares if I sleep 'dirty' because humans shed skin cells while they sleep anyways.

    And as a girl it's much harder to tame bed head in the morning, if you've gone to bed with wet hair.

  8. this is the newborn question why ask that here?

  9. Because you shed skin in the night; that is NASTY! and I like to be clean when I start my day ... that is why I shower in the morning =]

    I like having clean (un-shed) skin when I start my day! =]

    As for the rest of Americans, I cannot say ..

    AND besides, WHY are you picking on the girls? Why not pick on the American Guys? I'm sure there are plenty of them that go DAYS without showering ..

  10. Some do.  You're assuming all american girls don't shower at night.  It just seems more logical to do it in the morning so you can walk out of the door completely fresh for the new day.

  11. Some shower at night and some don't.   My daughters shower at night because there just isn't enough time in the morning.  I shower in the morning and certainly am not stinky.

  12. i'm not sure why this is in newborn & baby but... I prefer to have a shower in the morning so I am clean for my day. also, on rougher days it helps to wake me up.

    i'm not american though... i'm canadian

  13. Because my hair dries in a weird way if I sleep on it while it's wet; it sometimes sticks up. If I shower at night I have to make sure it's fully dry before I sleep, and that's a pain.

  14. lol, my friend from Australia asked this once.

    I like taking a shower when I wake up because it's just the start of getting ready for the day.  And I like doing my hair right after it's been cleaned (as opposed to right after it's been slept on).

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