
Why American governor allows some residents to carry guns?

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doesn't it provoke criminal actions?




  1. The ownership of weapons in this country is and has always been for primarily protection of ones self and property and for hunting if you so desire.  No one will ever tell me I don't have the right to defend myself and my home if I so choose. Its guaranteed in the Constitution for good reason.  

    Isn't it interesting that soon after taking power, murduring despots and madmen such as Hitler outlawed ownership of guns by the populace?  Hmmmm, I wonder why?  Could it be they didn't want anyone able to defend themselves?  Duhhh!

    If one of my children had been a victim of a school shooting, I certainly would want a school official to be armed with a weapon and know how to use it so that perhaps he or she could stop the murdering scum from continuing their rampage.

  2. I don't know, I'll ask my .45.  

    Plus, who is the American Governor?  The President of the United States is bound by oath before God to obey the Constitution.  The President CANNOT supplant his will for the guarantees in the Constitution.

  3. well, the authorities allow the carrying of guns just for one reason: MONEY!

    of course it provokes the criminal actions and sorry I don't believe in self-defence stupidity. I definitely do not believe that the american security forces are incapable of maintaining the order in the society. Or, if they're really concerned about the self-defence, then why don't they open up karate or aikido courses?

    Gun is a weapon, it KILLS living things as well as humans! and nothing can justify killing of another human being. There are many other ways for self-defence than carrying a gun.

  4. Well people are allowed to apply for a Concealed Carry Weapons license in which the rules for application are different in each state.  California, for instance, has one of the strictest regulations for concealed carry.  It actually deters criminal action.  

    To get a concealed carry license you must have a completely clean record:  no arrests, warrants, no drug use, etc. etc.  The reason people get them is to defend themselves if they are attacked by a criminal carrying firearm.  It basically evens the playing field because criminals want an easy target.  Since most citizens don't carry a gun with them, they feel they are easier prey and can rob or kill them much more easily.

    If a citizen has a gun as well then a criminal isn't going to want to try to rob them since they can fight back.  I've heard of many many cases where someone with a CCW (concealed carry weapons license) has had someone try to rob them but they pull their weapon.  The potential robbery is stopped and the citizen is safe.  There are also cases where just showing the gun is enough to deter a potential crime.

    Some people don't believe in self defense like the answerer above me.  However, law enforcement takes time to respond and that time can be the difference between getting shot and/or killed, or stopping a criminal in his tracks.

    Also, what about store robberies?  If another citizen has a firearm then they can potentially shoot and incapacitate a robber and end the robbery.  Criminal actions will occur, but its frequently not by law abiding citizens, which is a requirement to be able to have a CCW.

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