
Why Americans want to save all countries but its own?

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Why Americans want to save all countries but its own?




  1. I have wondered about that myself for years

  2. Outsourcing, the corporate thieves need their foreign workers relatively submissive and moderately free-ish.

  3. who says they do? I wouldn't call going to war with Iraq saving...?

  4. bcos they are mad lol...

  5. you meant to say american leaders and save is really destroy and steal

  6. Because our country is awesome and doesn't need saving...duh???

  7. American foreign policy (as well as domestic) is set by corporations and trade unions. It is in their interest to preserve an undisturbed flow of oil and vigorous international trade. If we "invaded" countries just to relieve suffering , we would be in Darfur.

    They do not feel the need to "save America" because profits are high and the only suffering is by those without enough money. They figure that is their own fault.

  8. take a look around america, people in america in general can not keep their nose out of other peoples buisness why not spread it to other countries. your neighbors, so called friends, and even strangers know more about you than you do. they can't mind their own buisness.

  9. The USA is beyond saving but there is still hope in other countries.

  10. The leaders don't want to "save" all countries. You don't see them helping Africa survive their famines or wars. We aren't the only ones over there but we are the only ones that other countries hate. We call ourselves powerful. I think we should call ourselves Bullies.

  11. The premise of your question is wrong.  Americans are saving the US from harm.  The US is the greatest country on earth.  We are far better off than the people of any other country.

  12. its not about USA...

    ask your president, he has the answer ...

    No offense ok

  13. "Save"? I think you mean use, invade, abuse, oppress, colonise ...

    George Bush has already grabbed power illegally in his own country so now he's doing the same to as many others as he can before his time runs out. Which will be SOON! Then the world really might be "saved" - from that power-crazed megalomaniac.

    It's no good asking Americans about other countries because 99 per cent of the ignoramuses don't know there ARE any others outside their own, and the remaining one per cent know but don't care.

  14. Trust me, I only care about myself.

  15. Americans aren't saving other countries; they are only saving their interests in other countries.

    Iraq is a good example. If Iraq didn't have substantial reserves of crude oil, the US would never think of invading the country, with or without Saddam. The world Media, largely controlled by wealthy americans, portray the US as the saviour of the world.

    The US is a colonial power at many levels and their  military bases spread around the world are a testimony to that.

  16. We are brainwashed into thinking we are saved already.

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