
Why Animals have Tails.?

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is it necessary for animals to have tail. does it useful in anyway in the past. if it is of no use then why didn't it disappeared in evolution process.




  1. 1. motility. eg: monkeys swing from tree to tree

    2. monkeys.

    3.defence. eg: crocodiles attack with their strong tails.

    4. attraction to opposite male peacocks have        colourful tails to attract female peacocks.  

    Tail does serve its function.

  2. Tail in various animals has different function ,like- in some it is used to sigh danger ,to find direction, for easy movement , for prevention against its enemies , and also serve the purpose of hands in some others(to ward off flies).

  3. Tails are generally useful, and in a variety of ways.  They aid balance when moving, can be used as displays to attract or repel and, in some cases, can be used as a fifth limb while climbing and clambering.  They can also provide thrust whilst swimming.

    <<is it necessary for animals to have tail.>>

    Judging from your body, no, it's not essential in all cases.  Ape ancestors, at some point, no longer found their tails of use.  That happened to work differently for many other critters, and those tails were retained and developed.

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