
Why Are All The Jr. Haters Bashing Dale Jr. For Passing The Pace Car...?

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...when it was clear that NASCAR let Kyle Busch go at Talladega when he went right out of bounds. None of the Jr. fans-Kyle haters talked about that. And Jr. did it for a reason. Busch did it because hes...well...rowdy. So stop complaining about Jr. passing the pacecar or I'll keep whining and moaning about Kyle Busch going out of bounds.

Give me your opinion if you like Kyle-hate Jr. or if you Hate kyle-like Jr.




  1. Because 88 does not dominate never will

  2. Mainly because Jr got away with it. He dropped back right away when NASCAR warned him.

  3. Why do I feel like Rumpelstiltskin????

    I wake up any everything is changed, but nothing is different.

    Criminy, this is the NASCAR section, not the  Earnhardt/Busch section.

    If all the haters just went and started their own blogs somewhere it would certainly be a lot quieter in here.

  4. Pastor Jaysus got it right. I'm not a hater of either. I like them, but don't cheer for them. Stop being silly and let them talk. It's not the Kyle fans who are worth anything that are talking all the smack anyway. I'd make a bet that half of it is from Jr haters that could care less about Rowdy. You should know every one of his wins from here on out are going to be disected on this forum, just learn to deal with it. You'll live longer with less gray hair.

  5. It's not ALL of them, just the people looking to stir things up and the tr0!!$.  They know that this topic is sensitive to Jr fans and are using that to their advantage.  If you want them to let it go you need to also, just friendly advice.  

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  6. Kyle Busch was shoved down by Jimmie Johnson. There was a question here a long time ago when that happened, and everyone said that he was. Go look up a video on Let's forget about this "win", it will be his last for a while, and was a diversion from the lawsuit

  7. As I've said in other post I'm not a Junior fan nor am I a fan of Busch.

    But rules are rules and if a driver passes the pace car ,it don't matter why,it is a clear violation of the rule.The only driver that could get away with it was Dale Earnhardt(SR) and Junior is so into being like him he thinks he is above the rules.

    He shoulkd have been put at the end of the line.But the "for profit" that runs the sport turned their back so they could get more money.

  8. I am not a fan of Jr.s and I like Kyle better than any other driver,  and I have heard enough.  It's getting so it isn't even worth coming here to see idiot questions like this and a few others.

    Dale did, No he didn't, did so, did not, did so, did not, did so, did not, did so, did not, did so, did not, did so, did not, did so, did not, did so, did not on and on back and forth like two year olds.

    These questions are worse than trolls, because they are coming from our own NASCAR "family".

  9. it is over why you, of all people bringing it back up

    you know you're just stirring up c**p

    how about lets watch'em race at loudon

    maybe the pace car will wreck

  10. i agree w\you ppl just need to drop it!

  11. <<<None of the Jr. fans-Kyle haters talked about that.>>>

    Uh, it was beat to death for an entire week.

    And Kyle went below the line because Johnson ran him off of the track.

  12. Are you mad because the guy Jr replaced is dominating him every week?

    I think we should all move on and watch KYLE continue to win races

  13. I am getting pretty tired of these questions too.  I am a major Junior fan and do not particularily care for Kyle, but I do not bash Kyle for no particular reason, he is doing great this year and he deserves some kudos every now and again.

    Actually both of them should. Junior is doing a heck alot better than he was doing last year.

  14. I like Jr and I am Not Bashing him and I wish it would stop

    Go Dale Jr 88

  15. Give it a rest. The rule is you can't go below the line and improve your position. Busch was forced below the line and did not improve his position. Stop comparing apples and oranges. Since when is anyone allowed to just go flying by the pace car? Normally, that warrants a black flag.

  16. There are those that exist that hate both Kyle and Jr. I happen to be one of them. I don't bash Jr. for passing the pace car, Jr. won the race fair and square. And, frankly, most of us don't hate Jr., we just hate his popularity.

    Of course, you ain't gonna give the unbiased person the best answer, you're probably gonna give it to somebody calling the Jr. "haters" a name like "Because they're idiots and they don't know what they're talking about." So why am I answering the question? Meh... it's 2 more points... still 4,851 to go to catch my last account... which was suspended for asking these types of questions...

  17. Like Jr.  not a fan of Kyle... but this question is getting old.

  18. You can go under the yellow line if you don't advance your position, or if you get forced down there. Kyle either got forced down there, and didn't advance his position. Dale on the other hand gained an advantage by passing the pace car to save fuel. There is nothing wrong with saving fuel to win races. A lot of drivers win races that way. But Jr illegally saved fuel. Passing the pace car gave him an advantage because he cut his car off. If he hadn't passed the pace car, he would have run out of gas. Do i need to say more. You jr fans think he is god and he never does anything wrong. Open your eyes people. Jr ILLEGALLY passed the pacecar and gained an advantage. They should take his win away

  19. I'll tell ya why, so NASCAR can finally give Jr a win. After all it was a 76 race losing streak (the same number of wins as his dad), and it happened on father's day. Coincidence?

    Junior would have lost if they stayed green all the way.

    Go Kyle Busch!!!

    It's not your fault you lost your job, you've got more wins than Junior.

  20. Does this ever end?  

    I like Kyle Busch and I like Jr..what do you think of that!

    Thanks for the 2 points.

  21. No.

    These questions are getting old, enough with the Jr vs Kyle c**p.

  22. Thank you finally there is some one other than me defending Jr rather than bashing him. THANK YOU

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