
Why Are Car Accidents so popular?

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Why Are Car Accidents so popular?




  1. I'm not sure what you mean by popular. There's rubbernecking which definitely happens at pretty much every accident site (the act of slowing down to watch an accident scene). Otherwise, popular could mean that they happen all the time- that's because people do not know how to drive safely. I strongly suggest taking a defensive driving/traffic school course like or They're cheap and can give you valuable tips on how to be safe driver. Hope this helps!

  2. didn't know they were. must be just a fad.

  3. Do you notice one thing about all these answers? . It is almost always NEVER the vehicle's fault . Which means that all this nonsense about car safety is garbage . The only time any vehicle can be considered 'safe' is when 1) nobody is inside of it and 2) the engine is turned off - and that's about 95% of the time . And the one thing that we are never told about any motor vehicle is that they are LETHAL! . They will kill if not used properly, just like any other stupid piece of machinery.

    Although driving only takes 5-10% physical effort, it demands 100% mental focus . And when we don't give that attention, we get into trouble - often bigtime.

  4. distractions , road rage and alcohol are the three top contributors to car accidents

  5. Most likely because so many people drive cars today. And teens have no knowledge of how to drive a car.

  6. The number one and two reasons are...

    1. Distractions

    2. Road rage.

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