
Why Are Children So Ignorant?

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A few months ago, I saw the ballet Swansong. Swansong is a man being brutally beaten and tortured by two gaurds who force him to do whatever they command thus holding the man a "prisioner of conscience" so to speak. The ballet was touching and it had me in tears but what was the most disturbing about it was the children who were in the theatre with their parents. They laughed when the gaurds knocked the man down and clapped their hands and giggled when they whipped him seeing it all as "fun and games." If this were my child I would have pulled them right out of the theatre and told them there is nothing "funny" about torture.

It disturbed me to peices to hear these children laugh at the prisoners expense. I love kids but honestly, where they that ignorant to know what was going on? When I was seven I'd have known and comprehended. Maybe it's today's society to blame, or their parents, or even the hypocritical school system that our children are forced to be subjected to.

Is it just me or do you all agree that there is some underlaying problem that coinsides with these children laughing at a ballet about torture, captivity, abuse, and beatings?




  1. Children aren't as keen on things like that like we adults are.  You can't necessarily blame the children, but I'd really be placing the blame on the parents who brought their children to an obvious adult event.  The parents should have known better than to bring their children to such a somber ballet.  The parents should have shown better judgment.

    Just because you found the child's behavior inappropriate doesn't mean you have an issue with children or that you are ignorant.  It means that you found the behavior inappropriate and I would have too.  But it's still the fault of the parents for not preparing their child for a ballet of that nature.  They should have left the child(ren) at home for this one.

  2. They don't know any better. They think that a man being pushed down is funny because they don't know the truth of what's going on. They are to young to understand those kinds of things.

  3. As sad as it is, violence is a huge part of our culture. Not that it's necessarily a welcome part. But that's what kids see on TV, hear in their music and see on the streets. Most kids know its wrong, but still they see it as being "cool." But they are just kids. It's up to the parents and society to try and teach them what is socially acceptable. I dont see it as ignorance. Just kids being kids.

  4. I agree with #6 Bean - it sounds like you're ignorant when it comes to child development and typical behavior.  Kids act like that because they don't know any better.  They don't realize the seriousness behind such tragedies.  It's just the innocence that they're born with.

    I would have been upset with the parents for letting the kids continue to be loud and laugh, but it isn't really the children's fault.

    *ETA* You answered your own question.  It's the parents, not the children.

  5. Idiot children come from idiot parents. It isn't the child's fault.. and children are, to a degree, always somewhat ignorant. It's the parents' job to change that. Half the world should not be allowed to have children. That, and the people who don't believe in discipline that think children should not be suppressed; they need to "express themselves freely" these people deserve to have the stuffin' beat out of them by a gang of unruly children armed with wiffle ball bats. If that was my kid clapping when they should be quiet they would have been taken home and lectured.

  6. Sounds to me like you are the one who is ignorant when it comes to children.

    The message that was being sent was probably beyond the children's comprehension.

    I have an 8 year old and if I took her to such a performance I would probably have told her the jist of the story and it's meaning before going so that she had a base line to start from.

    You clearly have some issues with children and/or society in general.

  7. Well, first of all, I wouldn't agree with parents taking 7 year old to a show that has people beating others and holding people prisoner.

    Secondly, of course a 7 year old is going to be "ignorant". Do you know the actual definition of ignorance? It is a lack of understanding or of knowledge of a particular topic or subject.

    A child of 7 is going to be ignorant to the fact that guards are holding a person "prisoner of conscience". You can't expect a 7 year old child to get the true meaning behind the play, now can you? As they grow and learn more, they will begin to understand a little better. The epiphany of "So THAT's what it was all about. I understand now" will come later on in life, the teenage years, perhaps.

    I could understand your anger and frustration if these kids were much older, say early or late teens or young 20's, but you cannot expect a child of 7 to understand the true meaning or seriousness of such a play. It is too old for their age and their understanding.

    Shame on the parents to bring their children to such a show. Their parents should have known better to hire a babysitter for the night rather than subject their children to such violence at a young age.

  8. I guess they don't know any better, and why should they. I agree they should be tough that this is wrong though.

  9. these kids probably didn't really know the man was being tortured they probably thought he was being bullied or something I wouldn't make a big deal out of it you don't even know these kids not all kids are like that and it's not like they where hurting any one .

  10. It is an adult thing as well.  

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