
Why Are Chsitians Being So Mean To The g*y Community?

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Ok I know that there are lots of questions and answers on this topic, but I felt like stating my own question. Ok so the Bible condemns Homosexuality, Adultery, s*x before marriage, masturbation, eating shrimp and other crustaceans that feed on dead animals, and a whole lot of other thing. So why is it that Christians, who are supposed to be taught to love one another and treat others the way you'd want to be treated, treat g**s, atheists, and other groups which don't conform to their beliefs like sh*t. Ok I'm a Christian myself and I was raised to love everyone no matter who they are then why is it that most (Not ALL!) but most Christians shout at g**s as beign wrong and they want to make their lives as miserable as theirs.

Post your answers please (:




  1. Because they have small brains that are filled with ignorance.

    They're afraid of people who are different from themselves because they can't figure them out and that scares them. They don't know how to act.

    And they're great big meanies! I'm glad that you don't feel that way, but you're the exception to the rule.

  2. Well first off good on you for being so open minded and not shallow like the kind of people you are describing, I also pride myself on being open minded. Now in response to you're question it's simple they just haven't been shown how to embrace things the way we have have they? I think it's us that should be praying for them not the other way round ha ha

  3. beacuse they feel like GOD make a girl and a boy for a reason they dont want that reason to go away.........

  4. Because they were born with a crucifix up their ***.

  5. people are the way they are no matter what religion...i think its just that christians show their feelings more outwardly... they let it be known. most ppl just dont say nothing. people can be hypocrites too and maybe they know they are or have their own secrets that they dont like so they try to take their anger out on someone else...

    Christians some of them, think their religion their way is best and that they need to evangelize and fight for jesus... they take things too literally.

  6. They believe that certain passages in the Bible give them the "moral right" to lord it over g*y people. What they don't tell you is that if we took all the passages of the Bible literally, no one is going to heaven, because at one point or another, we are all guilty of the "abominable acts" that (some) Christians like to accuse all g*y people of being guilty of.

    (As you mentioned, things like eating crustaceans, wearing gold and pearls, cutting your hair, wearing clothes with 2 different fabrics, and a whole lot more are all considered "abominable". Strangely, these same people are quiet about the "other abominations", or have some intellectually weak excuse for not considering them.)

    As I recall, the two greatest teachings of Christ can be summed up quite neatly: "Love God" and "Love your neighbor as yourself." I don't see how my 10 year relationship with my partner can be considered an affront to God, while left and right, straight people like Britney Spears get married "just for fun".

  7. Because it has to do more with them than it does with God.

    See, no matter how "christian" they claim to be, they cannot escape their selfish prejudicism.  And people will find anything with influence to back up that belief.  

    The bible is open to interpretation, what a better way to manipulate it by backing up what is already their homophobia.

    If they weren't chrisitian, would they still hate them?


    How do they call homosexuality an abomination,

    and call premarital heterosexual s*x forgivable...

    when they claim all sins are equally great ?

  8. Being brainwashed into thinking that way encourages their attitude, and they probably believe they're earning brownie points with God and increasing their chance of getting into Heaven.  

  9. Ignorance....

  10. Most people are just afraid of the unknown and if they took the time to get to know about the g*y community they would be more accepting. But just remember even though they are louder than most Christians there  are the Christians drowned out in the background who have no problem with g*y people.  

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