
Why Are Cubans allow to come to the United State Without a Problem ?

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Why are cubans allow to come to the united state and become legal right off the back without any given problem and any other immigrant such as Dominicans , Costa Rican , Colombians etc... Are Not allow to have the same right as them ? Me Personally disagree with that law because if Cubans have that right and they are immigrants as well dont you think that law should apply to everyone ?




  1. no. cuba is communist

  2. I think that the free ride is given because Cuba is considered as a communist country. This has been established many years ago. Now, they base it on the dry foot-wet foot policy instead of saying white foot-black foot considering the plight of the Haitians people.

  3. To anyone who lives in a country ruled by a bearded tyrant

    ¿De dónde sales ? No me digas que no conoces la situación de Cuba

    Si te conviene, quédense ustedes con fidel y nosotros entonces seremos como los demás imigrantes

  4. This law is meant to destabilize the Cuban regime by depriving it of citizens.

    As you can tell, it doesn't work. Neither does any other aspect of the US's policy towards Cuba.

  5. The thing is that the U.S. is against communism. And Cuba is a communist country.So any person trying to seek refuge from a country that is communist and wants to come to the U.S....well, they're considered like refugees...or something like that. So,they are protected under the laws of the U.S.

  6. Here is some info in regards to the wet-foot-dry-foot policy. You will get the answer to your question after reading this!!

  7. Nothings fair in love and war.

    We've been advocating the end of the Cuban embargo for years because the perceived threat that may have existed in the past is now just a toothless old dictator, who, as the former bully in the schoolyard, doesn't even have a schoolyard anymore.

    We deal with the Chinese on a daily basis (a communist dictatorship, by the way) and even gave them favored trade status some years ago, but still we boycott Castro and, by extension, the very same poor people that our elected officials are saying are repressed by the Castro regime.

    Our patronization of the Cuban voting bloc is simply pathetic and shows how the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Such a minuscule percentage of the voters in this country, but they make enough noise so that the politicians, pandering for votes, will keep in place an embargo that never was effective to begin with.

    Then we have the wet foot-dry foot fiasco, oops, law. Let's encourage people to leave Cuban repression and poverty by crossing the Florida Strait on a raft. If you get to land, bingo, you're a U.S. citizen, but if you get stopped at sea, bam, you get sent back so you can try again.

  8. Because of the wet foot dry foot policy that was enacted years ago and Cubans are not automatically given a Visa when they show up. they are allowed to legally stay and apply for asylum because of the conditions of their communist country, that doesn't mean their asylum case will be approved altough I don't know any illegal Cubans so chances of an approved asylum case are good if you are from Cuba.

    The U.S. basically doesn't agree with Cuba's government, therefore resulting in a ban on all goods from Cuba and allowing Cuban immigrants to stay without a visa if they can make it here.

  9. It's not actually a law.  Most Cubans who make it here claim political asylum, which they can do because of the communistic nature of their government.  Even so, this doesn't always work for them.  Elian Gonzalez, a most famous case, was sent back and is now a member of the Young Communist Party, or some such drivel.

  10. Cause Cubans are smarter than most other Hispanics. Remember those Cubans who took a 50's Chevy truck and made a raft out of it?  Making it almost to FL!      GM and Ford need smart cookies like that.

  11. because they bring with them delagados

  12. It should. The entire immigration system is broken. Many white Americans though are getting scared of Hispanics and Spanish so there will be significant pressure to clamp down on the process.

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