
Why Are Naan Breads Oval?

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Well....why? Just seems a bit odd to me to go to rolling out a piece of dough into an oval!

Is there a reason behind it?




  1. Yes, because you can dip it and fit other foods in it.

  2. naam are traditionally bake in an earthen oven , using a semi round holder to attached the naam to the wall of this oven...

    the reason why it is shape oval is that the cook usually pull the dough to the shaped of the holder and it is also for maximum coverage so that the dough would stick to the wall and easier for the cooks to use the iron hook to detached the dough when cooked..this is unique to this type of traditional oven.

    for the modern oven you get any shape you like..

  3. Actually, the shape of naan is usually just a preference of the chef. Some like circles, some like ovals, and some like a teardrop-shape. I'm sure there are probably more variation. Anyways, since it's irrelevant, enjoy the naan! :)

  4. i don't care what they look like, those things are soooo tasty

  5. maybe because they were cooked on hot stones and that was the natural shape so we just continue it now.

  6. They are hand made not rolled out and slapped against the side of a tandoor oven --- larger surface area equals faster cooking time.  Also, when the dough is stretched into the oval or tear drop shaped, it creates those characteristic bubbles (or air pockets) that everyone loves.

  7. to give that original hand made look.

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