
Why Are People So Mean To Me???

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I play Counter Strike Source online and am part of a community and i post on their forums quite a bit usually its a load of bullshit that i post and everyone attacks me cause of it. I'm feeling suicidal please help?

PS: I Love VerVe




  1. It's best to be truthful, and not joke

    around.  Still, you have a right to

    post your feelings on forums.

  2. sweetie, why would you want to feel suicidal over people you haven't met in reality? the thing is, you can get angry and upset over what they said about you, but it's you yourself who has the right to let them make you feel the way you are feeling. if you think what they said about you is true, then you'll feel lousy. if you disagree with them, then their comments wouldn't even hurt you abit at all. anyways, there isn't anything fruitful by conversing with immature people. you can do so much better.

  3. don't take it that seriously, dude.  people that attack others online are all either looking for a reaction or saying the **** where they know they won't have to face a real live person.  it's nothing against you.  if they met you in person, i guarantee they wouldn't be mean to you.  as for the suicidal thing, confide in your parents or an adult you trust.  and if this online community is making you this depressed, i suggest that you break away from it for a while.  hang out with friends in person.  regain your confidence.  you are a good person.  it's the online community that isn't so good.

  4. Sounds like the bad side of internet coming out in this case.The good thing is you can ignore them and accept there are some people in this world who love to upset people.

    Chin up and enjoy life as it is not a rehearsal.

  5. dont take it personally mate... people are a******s especially online. just dont take it to heart : )

  6. Don't get suicidal.  If people don't like you, it's THEIR loss.  Lifes to short to care what other people think.  Just keep being you!!  :@)

  7. People are just mean online do not kill yourself over what they say. But you should probably stop bull-shitting that is probably the reason people are being mean to you.

  8. "...its a load of bullshit that i post and everyone attacks me cause of it"... I think you have answered your own question. Suicide is not something to joke about, so I hope you are not, so if this is in fact how you feel please call a suicide hot line and stop posting "load of bullshit" and people will likely lay off of you.  

  9. Do you value your life so little? that you are thinking of suicide because of a game online forum?

    Seek professional help please

  10. It depends exactly what you are are entitled to your view though. Don't worry about it. Forums like WoW and CS can often have ******* on there...!

  11. Seems you answered your own question, your load of bullshit is the problem. Maybe you should show some respect and humble yourself if you want friends.


  12. people arent abusing you

    theyre abusing your internet persona so it means nothing

  13. A lot of people are just mean online for little or no reason. Don't take it to heart.

    Hope this helps.

  14. Don't listen to those @ssholes

    people like that are just mean on the internet because they don't have the guts to do it in real life

    just ignore what they're saying

  15. well i believe that because the fact of your gender choice might have something to do with it 90%of people that rag on people that are g*y,bi,L*****n just all in all not "socially normal" what ever the *** that means n e ways yeah i think those people are the ones that hate themselves so much that they have to put others down to make themselves feel better but don't ever think about suicide that's a cop out don't hurt yourself because they want you to that will make them feel like they serficed there cause because you did what they wanted they made you feel like nothing because that's what they are keep pushing and always be proud of what you are whatever you choose to be okay  

  16. dont let people that you dont really even know & could care less about make you feel bad about yourself.

    they dont even know you.

    & you dont know them

    so id justt ignore it or not let it affect you.  

  17. Come on really. People online are complete arseholes and if you mates away from the internet love you and make you feel worth it then forget these idiots online (: . x

  18. dude just turn off the its only a game..ignore the idiots

  19. If this is causing you such grief then leave the web sight. You can find some other sight or happiness elsewhere

  20. Don't let them get you down, it's just the internet.  

  21. Dont take it to heart, its not just you that its just how people are behind computers. Some people are nice but most are mean spirited but its the internet nothing personal they are just taking out their own anger and misery on others.

  22. It's ok...people are just mean...more so on the internet because they don't have to come face tp face with people so they feel stronger, when in reality, they're probably just little pasty skinned geeks and should just shrug this off your shoulder, it's nothing to be upset about...if everyone got suicidal every time they got picked on, there would be no one left on earth...and if they're picking on you because you bullshit a lot, then stop bullshitting!

  23. People are mean online because they don't have the guts to be mean to people face to face. Just ignore it

  24. Stop bullshitting then

  25. Go kill yourself, if some stupid forum can make you close to death you dont think much of yourself do you? People want a reaction out of you or they want you to feel worse, that makes them feel good. If you ignore it and know its not cause of the person you are then your getting somewhere. Plus if they can do that what will happen when someone close to you has a bad day and upsets you?

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