
Why Are People So Suprised that the Blind New York Governor is Capable of Having an Affair?

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Why Are People So Suprised that the Blind New York Governor is Capable of Having an Affair?




  1. I'm not!  I'm also not surprised about the fact he is a coke/dope user. (He admitted it)

  2. He was man enough to tell his past, end of story as we all have a skeleton or two in our closet. He will do just fine as he doesn't have the temperament of the former governor, whom I might add does need a bit of jail time. We have far to many other people in government, clergy and private life who are guilty of the same sin and as citizens we need to let a past sin go....we are not God.

  3. Why be surprised?.  His wee-wee is just as good as Slick Willie's.

  4. He cannot see, everything else works.

  5. prolly cause nobody really thinks blind people can do anything wrong. it is  big thing with handicaps that the people who have them must be saints, kinda like people dont treat them the same as everyone else...

  6. I respect people who has a spine. People that has the courage to admit the things he has done in his/her life regardless of being a right or a wrong. That is life for the living. I hate people who has done things and if the perception is unpopular, they change their beliefs. What a spineless character. Unfortunately most people are like that and most people can accept that. Like  most people never tried drugs, cheat on their significant others, cheat on whatever that will make them look so good, admit being wrong. Self righteous people are the biggest hypocrites in society and society embraces them. What a sham,

  7. not at all

    love is blind , so does not make a difference if u are blind or not

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