
Why Are So Many Famous Canadians Known As American?

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Most people think Donovan Bailey is American and not Canadian.

It is strange that Canada being such a huge country, there is no knowledge of it internationally.?




  1. most  Americans you  mean.  the  United  States  is  a  very  insular  nation.  it  is  not  outward looking  at  all  and  that  will  be its  downfall. most  people  know more  about  America  through  tv and  books  than  most  Americans  know  about  other  countries. they  are  so  self  absorbed  that  if  it  werent  so  pathetic  it  might  actually  be  offensive

  2. Some people were born in Canada, but they're now US citizens, which can cause confusion. Also, the fact that there isn't a distinct accent between the two countries can make people internationally assume that someone is American because it is a larger country.

  3. Well, Technically Donovan Bailey is American because he lives on the contenent of North America. If people think Donovan Bailey is from the United States, then they'd be wrong. I can see how people can get confused over that.

    Also, Canadians don't really matter. They’re f*ckin stupid; trust me, I’m one of them.

  4. You can't really blame them. While it is it's own country, it sits in North America, and they basically sound American, plus the cultures are pretty similar. In reference to the accents, it's very easy for anyone not from Canada or the U.S. to think they're the same, because they're not around those two different accents so much that they can differentiate. I personally couldn't differentiate until I began speaking to a Canadian, so perhaps you can understand the confusion.

  5. I think because people don't really hear much from Canada at all.

    Thus, people don't talk as much about it, and less is known all around.

    Not sure how they mixed that up.

  6. because us americans are low self-esteem-obese-stupid-racist-dumbasse...

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