
Why Are The All Fish In My Pond Dying?

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There is no Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Parasites, Fungus Chlorine. I Have 3 Plants. Just a tad of algae. Wonderful Filtration And Aeration. It's not frozen. The liner has no harmful chemichals. I bought the fish with no bacteria, fungus, parasites etc. It's Heated properly At 80 degrees farenheit. Not More than 4 1/2 hours to 5 1/2 hours of sunlight each day. I am feeding my fish very good pellet food.




  1. do you  have goldies or koi?? or tropicals? my guess is u have goldies/koi and the tmp is too high.

  2. What is the pH level?

  3. it could be where you got them...

  4. predators and are they salt water fish in fresh water?


  6. 1) they could be eaten

    2) high PH levels

    3) lack of air

  7. one thing is if u have goldfish or koi (otherwise cold water fish). the temperature u have for them is FATAL. 80degrees is way too high for them. now if its tropical fish then that would be heaven.

    sounds like u r trying ur best to provide the proper conditions. how big is the pond? what kind of fish do u have and how many? is there a flow of water draining into ur pond that shouldnt be? how long has it been established. when did u check the chemistry? and whats the weather been like(odd question but it can make a difference pending on the stiuation)? and where is ur pond located(underneath a patio? a tree? where?)

    PLEASE POST additional details so i can properly help u in ur stituation. i c that alot(not ALL but many) of ur answerers r not benefiting u at all.

    hang in there and good luck

  8. Is there runoff(rainwater) getting into the pond?? It could carry harmful pesticides or fertilizers from lawn or garden into the water.

  9. could be your pond is too hot-- seems like 80 degrees is not exactly fish friendly, like a natural lake or the ocean.  It also depends on the type of fish you are stocking the pond with.  A koi could probably withstand the temperature better than most fish.

  10. It could be the air. That happens.

  11. How long did you wait after doing all this before you put them in - you know, you probably should have waited at least a couple of days after preparing the pond before stocking it.

  12. First of all, what kind of fish do you have?  

    And if you have no ammonia, no nitrite AND no nitrate, there is something very wrong going on in your pond.  You should have either some nitrate or some ammonia or nitrite.  If the pond is cycled, there should be nitrate.  If the pond is trying to cycle but not finished, there should be either ammonia or nitrite in the pond.  If there is nothing, then there is something funky with your water.  Did you fill it up with distilled water or something?  Because that stuff cannot harbor life.  Including fish.

  13. well ive been peeing in that pond for years, sorry bout that

  14. Check the air flow.

  15. Make sure there's water in the pond....that'll help alot.

  16. do your fish get oxygen? bubbles

  17. First of all. Since you say no ammonia nitrate and so on ... have you really check them using test kit or you just assume?

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