
Why Are There Laws Against Pedophiles But Not Murderers?

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Pedophiles are tracked and monitored in every community but the same provisions for security arent granted for murders and rapists. You will know whether or not a pedophile is living next door to you but you will never know that there is a rapist/murderer living to the right of you who may be even more dangerous than the pedophile. Whats the deal with that?




  1. well because a convicted murder is usually locked up for life

  2. in my state both rapists and pedophiles are tracked along with town meetings and everything. Murderers are not tracked because IF they are ever released its highly unlikely they will do it again. However rapists and pedophiles WILL do it again and they have proven that time and time again so they have decided to nip it in the bud!! I myself believe there is so much more they can do to keep a better eye on them. We need to keep our children safe. The world is a dangerous place nowdays and it is only getting worse!!!

  3. You are confused.  Yes, pedophiles must register, however, so do rapists.  Any person who commits a sexual crime, generally has to register.

  4. I agree. Murderers should be just as closely watched as pedophiles. While doing something sexual to a child is pretty much the worst thing you could do, murder does come in a close second and people should know where murderers are living in their communities as well. If I knew a murderer lived next door, I would move from my apartment complex. It's like the government doesn't want to help us to protect ourselves. What's up with that?

  5. In my state, rapist are also tracked as sexual predators.  If someone has committed murder in my state they are in prison or on death row or not captured yet.  Self Defense kills are not murder.  If there really are murderers running free after conviction, we need to track them too.  They should have never been released.

  6. People aren't willing to admit we should use the death penalty far more extensively.

  7. i think that when people are told where a pedophile lives it gives  those who do not live in that town or neighbourhood as false sense of security. a pedophile or murderer or rapist very well could live next to you wherever you live, so don't let your guard down. these are usually people we know anyway, so don't trust anyone with your children or give anyone the opportunity to hurt you. you have to be careful everywhere. think about the ones who don't get caught too.

  8. a convicted murderer is stuck in prison and the same laws do apply to all s*x offenders not only pedophiles

  9. For first degree murder the odds are they will never get out.

    But for the few that do, good point!

  10. Pedophiles and others who commit s*x crimes have a much higher rate of recidivism. This is largely in part because pedophilia is a sickness, and the crime is committed for pleasure.

    Murder is a crime of passion, and is rarely repeated. If it is repeated, multiple counts will almost always result in a prison stay for life, so they don't need to be tracked.

  11. You are under the false assumption that the system actualy makes sense, the more you read into our laws the more you see the contradictions.

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