
Why Are We In Iraq?

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Honestly, it has no link to Al-Qieda or 9-11 or terror! Why? I do not want answers saying for oil, but I want to hear what other people have to say about it.




  1. might as well fight a war or what ever it is with a middle eastern country.

  2. cuz bush is out for his own good and 911 was all a set up i have the movie that proves this and many other wars that where set up for the gov. own good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing what they dont want you to know and to know we payed for them to kill our own citz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  3. we iz lookin' 4 dem WMD's dat da  bossman sed could blow uz up in 45 minutes

    oh lordy i hope dem wmd don' lan' in muh watermelon patch

  4. War is good for corporate profits and the wealthy elite. It doesn't matter that it's bad for just about everyone else.


  6. I've been trying to figure out that too since day one. We've gained nothing and lost everything!

  7. I think Americans are a war-liked nation. It has reflected by the classical movie of "Gone with wind" that Americans were involved in the civil war between the industrialists and the farmers. There were weapon manufacturers during the US civil war era and named the Yankees and they swept the farmland and their crops and cattles. Similary, Bush administration and many of the Republicans were sponsored by the weapon dealers, business elites and, particularly those powerful and rich oil peoples in the US which is rooted with the evil and greed of imperialism. Do you know that d**k Cheney (US vice president)'s wife made a h**l lot of money in crude oil shares transaction in the Dow Jones. The IRA recorded that Cheney's wife's income tax return was greater than George and Laura Bush's total annual income. By expoliting the Iraq and terror movements, the Bush administration can create the so called peace mission by bombing the Iraq then it makes the shares prices ups and downs for the inside trading personnel super rich. That's why the conservatives are so ******* rich in real estate and stock market shares transactions. Hong Kong is exactly a facists ruled SAR (Special Administration Region) of China with all the S****y monies earned by the business tycoons in real estate (Li Ka Shing, listed as number 16 of the richest people in this world),and stock market transactions. The total Hong Kong government income is dependent on land sales, duty taxes in stock market tradings, real estate transactions and gambling.

    I think it is necessary to educate the Iraqis for leading to harmony among the major groups of Shiite, Kurdish, and the Sunnies. The sectarian of insurgency can be reduced and eventually eliminated in Iraq. Democracy is undergoing as a mirage or remains unfulfilled for the deeply rooted Islamic society of Iraq. It is better to let them to do things in their traditional by just imposing sort of western democracy in a moderate way.

    For the sake of stable life style of every American leading to the goal of American dream of every family owns a home and foods on the table year round. The first step of leading to this goal is to eliminate the US and Hong Kong stock markets gradually and completely and only allows the reasonable and moderate investments and minor monetary growth. The ******* economic bubble of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac  sponsord by the US treasury and Bush Administration is absolutely unforgivable. To answer your doubt is the word of "Greed" of human nature and their evil wisdom is to get the money by destroying our peacful world.

  8. because george bush is bad bad bad


  9. becuase stupid ppl told bush they had weapons of mass destruction ..and he stupidly fell for it and there is no solid proof of them obtanin anything...ught the whole thing is just a political scam..

  10. That's what the rest of the world has been asking America for years!

  11. Simply For the OIL- when the oil runs out we leave.

  12. honestly, oil.

  13. We arent in Iraq. Im not and you are not. So quit complaining about it.
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