
Why Are We Tolerating Our Government?

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Why arent we calling "bullshit" and demanding smaller government, reasonable taxation (which we shouldnt have to pay anyway) and an end to the lying two party system?

We should demand immediate drug testing of ALL elected officials.

What do you think?




  1. But do we, as an angered and motivated voting bloc, have enough to throw the rascals out?

  2. Heres why. They are armed and dangerous thats why

  3. I agree with you partially.  The government IS out of control.  But to be realistic, the first thing we need to do is get rid of ALL incumbents through the election process.  This is the first step to getting back to our original constitution.

  4. Start with the Congressmen who line their pockets with Pork money and let lobbyists own them.  

    Make laws against the insurance companies that prohibit them from picking and choosing who they insure.

    Start using our own resources and drill for oil and if we get something else going like wind and sun power, then good for us.

    Congress does nothing but present roadblocks.  Fire them all.

  5. I completely agree!! Our government is a POS. Our "elected officials" are all greedy liars who care nothing for us. I think that we should all join together and revolt against them.

  6. Democracy is the worst form of government out there.

    Fortunately it works better than any other form of government.

    Lying two party system, we should be so lucky. You wanna see a disfunctional party system look to Canada. Here we have 4 major parties and a bunch of crackpots who got in as independents. None of the parties have a hope of capturing a majority.

    The solution everyone is touting is to have some sort of proportional voting system. That way we can get all the single platform lunatics in the mix as well. I'd much rather see run-off voting until one candidate gets 50% plus one.

    Most politicians are hard working disciplined people. Drug testing would likely not turn up very much of interest.

    If you don't like the elected officials you've got the only solution is to throw your hat in the ring. Then you can see what it is like to be one.

    I'll bet that you couldn't get elected dog catcher.

  7. nothin is easier than to cheat on those drug tests.

  8. Well, considering the Republicans said that was what they wanted until they went on a spending spree and smaller government only applied to areas they wanted reduced like business taxes while increasing in morals.  We don't much like it.  I suppose you aren't planning on voting?    And look at the governments with multiparty systems, what a mess.

  9. It's wide spread ignorance about the government and people hate change, hence the saying "Ignorance is bliss". People would rather remain blissfully ignorant than address the truth and cause change to the life they are accustom to.

  10. Most Americans aren't willing to sacrifice their lifestyle in the name is what is just. We're talking some serious revolution to completely reform our government. Come on, we aren't French!

    But I don't agree with what you see for the future of this country.

    A few Socialist ideals would help this country. Higher taxes, but people would have to spend less money. Quality, public education (including college and graduate school) and a little thing I like to call health care. Taxes are needed for a country to operate. Nothing is free.

    It'd be less destructive that capitalism widening the gap between the rich and the poor.

    And drug testing? Waste of money, time, and urine.

    An end to the two party system might not be the best thing either. If there were more than a few parties, nothing would get done in Congress (and it's not like two parties are that productive anyways). With a country so big and so diverse, there'd be hundreds of parties. We'll have to stick with 2 for now.

  11. Drug testing?  How about IQ testing?  They're idiots.

    They're also incredibly self-absorbed.  They don't care about the people, only the prestige of the office.

  12. Sounds good to me.  It was either Lincoln or Jefferson who said, and I paraphrase..."When the govt is no longer the servant of the people, it is up to the citizens to overthrow it."

    In the Maya culture, pre-Spanish invasion, the king had to mutilate his genitals to become the ruler.  I wonder how many presidents would take that test.

  13. There is a whole lot going on in our government that most of us don't even know exists.  We would be aghast  and mortified if we knew!  We will know, when the people of this country try to take a stand against the government!  

    This government is already, ready for this event!

    We will be literally "blown away"!

    When the government cannot "cover up" anymore!  

  14. Yeah! isn't it amazing how everyone complains about BIG OIL companies,but you never hear anyone complain about BIG GOVERNMENT?

    The bigger the government is the higher our taxes will be,and the more rule they will have in our personal lives.

    I think ALL officials in every branch should have term limits of only four years,and drug testing should also be mandatory.

  15. Becouse we let our government become corrupted, and create more of an empire then a democracy. Sry but I'm all for the whole revolution thing.

  16. We shouldn't pay taxes you think? Hahaha, ok, how does that get rid of our trillions of dollars of debt though?

  17. Because of lack of seriousness on our part.

  18. Without taxes we will pay for public services like roads, schools, police and hospitals how exactly?

    Government is a necessary evil.

  19. Yes our government sucks, its sad we live in a society that is controled by the rich and powerful, who have little regard for the rest of us.  Politician for the most part are lying cheating scum bags. All they care about is money and power. Decent smart person, but not rich? Sorry you can't be president. As for not paying taxes how would you propose we pay for roads. police,parks, schools and all the other things taxes pay for.

  20. I demand all those things except for the drug testing not because i do drugs but i think that since if someone does drugs it doesnt put my life liberty or property in danger.

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