
Why Are some old people racial?

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no offense to u older folks but why are some old people raciest?




  1. Skate has a point. People r sometimes raised with stereotypes of people taught by their family & friends. Instead of challenging these beliefs, they fall in line and take these twisted thoughts and declare them as fact. They lose the opportunity to learn from others and limt themselves to a narrow view of a huge world.

    People who carry racial predjudices would do well to realize that regardless of whether one believes in God, or some other faith or nothing at all, no culture, or race is hear by mistake. Everyone has a purpose a point for being. Something to offer those we come in contact with.

  2. that is how they were raised.. they were borin in a society where it was OKAY too be racist and they were brought up in that time.

    just like now it is NOT okay too be racist so you wont be when you are brought up..get it?


  3. you might as well ask why are some people racist

    if you hate you hate

    age has nothing to do with it

    old people who are racist just been hating longer

  4. It is drawn from their past and the standards at that time of their lives. One should not forget their past, and should learn lessons from their past. Racism is, in reality, fear,,fear of the unknown.

  5. Because thats how they were raised. They lived threw the time when calling a African American the N word was alright. They might of lived threw segregation. That would cause them to still be Racial...

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