
Why Aree People So Cruel In This World?

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Why Aree Theyy? Why Can't We All Just Havee World Peacee?




  1. What seems cruel to you, is OK to someone else.

    Many people are against pedophelia, but some cultures engage in s*x with young people all the time and nobody cares.

    Some people eat meat, wear fur, go sport hunting...other people are extremist PETA members who will burn down a research lab to save a few monkeys and rats. To them it doesn't matter about job loss or financial burden, most PETA people hate people. Usually because of rough childhoods.

    If you have assh**le parents who are angry at the world and take it out on you, then you will very likely become an assh*le. Or the parents are just tired and can't keep up with their kids. Or they are strict. Or not strict enough. So then, child protective services tries to step in to "help" those kids, but all they have really accomplished is breaking up a lot of families and causing distress, financial burden and pain.

    So what I'm saying is, it's good for you, but bad for them, so someone tries to help, does more harm than good because by helping THEM they are hurting YOU.

    Another good example to help you understand. Lets say your favorite animal is the Zebra, your husband favorite animal is the lion. The lion is chasing the zebra for its dinner, but you love zebras and you feel like you have to stop it. But your husband loves lions and doesn't want to see his favorite animal go hungry. So, you have a conflict. Every story has more than one side.

    Raising taxes is good for the poor, bad for the middle class and wealthy.

    If you're poor you think "they are rich, why do they care if another $5 is taken from their checks, they're so greedy"

    the wealthy/middle class will argue "why should I have to give up an extra $5 of MY hard earned money to support some lazy ***** who just wants to sit home and do nothing!"

    Another example,

    a woman gets pregnant. Wants an abortion. The father of the fetus wants the baby. The woman argues it's HER body, the man argues the baby is HIS child. The baby has no voice. If she aborts, it is what she wants for herself, but she takes away the life of her unborn child and takes away the joy of fatherhood from the man who impregnated her. But if she keeps it, her body suffers, she has to give birth, she has to pay child support if she gives the baby to the father. It's a lose-lose situation.

    People have different beliefs, they were brought up on them for centuries. People, just like computers, can be programmed.

    **There can be no peace because what's good for one is bad for another.**

  2. I dont think world peace will ever happen as money will always be the main reason for a war.  After all soldiers are expendable assets. There will always be those big fat cats who have lots to gain from  a war and others misfortune and dont care because they are on top. There motto is s***w EVERYBODY ELSE, IM DOING GREAT,HA HA HA.

    Why are people so cruel you ask. It's unfortunately in human nature to be cruel and to do anything to be on top or get ahead of others. I have met some very cruel people who love to put you down every chance they get and they love it. They are like this because they know no better and were dragged up,not brought up. You see with the human race comes resentment, revenge and hatred and you have those who will take one look at you and go i dont like him/her. Most times for no reason at all.

    I can't stand people like that and dont want to be near them. Everybody has the ability to be very cruel as we can all take advantage of somebodies misfortune, basically kicking them while their down. It's up to every individual weather they want to be that type of person or try to be better than that as nobody wants to be treated badly. I was taught to treat people how you would like to be treated yourself,with respect.

    Then again as the years go by manners and respect are going out the window so the world is really turning into a very bad place. There are those who wont even think twice of putting a knife in you just for a laugh and also happyslapping where you beat people or play cruel jokes for a laugh. The world is changing for the worse that i am actually amazed that there is still a lot of decent people around.

    I hope i have given you the answer you were looking for,Take care.

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    Check out "Dark Nature" by Lyall Watson. I guaranty you'll never ask the same question again...

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