
Why BBc News ONLY?

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in a recently telecast programme for potential candidates for the IAS it was being suggested to listen and watch BBC news and views channel to ensure success. is it not the worst type of colonial hangover. would those people themselve strequire some counselling?




  1. Hey listening to the BBC does not necessarily mean that you are subscribing to colonialistic views! Relax buddy :-)

    BBC news is still the world's leading news service - they cover international events extensively and provide unbiased reports (having opinions without a strong bias is a must in IAS preparations). Also, BBC helps improve your Received Pronunciation (RP) which makes you sound clearer and more professional to the panel.

  2. Classical Traditional General Advice is always like that

    Seems Odd

    Reflects Narrow Mindedness & mildly crosses height of Stupidity

    They need counselling

    If with existing IAS officers, selected with this methodology

    If this is the output,

    No one (citizen) is really so happy

    Lots more is expected to improve the state of the nation India

  3. BBC is most unbiased news channel which properly select news items purely on the basis of their news value. It shows BOTH sides of the picture in quite balanced manner, unlike Indian newschannel, where there is hardly any room for counterview. For example, on problem of disputed territory, Kashmir, BBC shows details in favour of India & against India too well comprehensively whereas all Indian channels deliberately hide all malpractices & drawbacks of India, knowing fully well that Indian legal position is very weak on Kashmir issue(compare parrallel cases of Junagarh & Hyderabad & learn yourself). BBC team is highly professional. BBC news details are highly accurate , reliable & most useful from general knowledge point of view. Create such top standard professionals in India & find that they will be equally reliable.

  4. U have what is known as a chip on yr shoulder, and suffer from an inferior complex. Acknowledging skill and talent shows class. Which BTW Britts do.

    U  are probably still living in mental slavery wher u think of Britts as better than u.
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