When I am talking to Brazilians, or reading what Brazilians ask in Yahoo Answers, 2 things often come up.
First, I am often asked what I (or others) think about Brazil. I also see this question asked in Yahoo Answers quite often. Why is this question asked so much?
Second, it seems like Brazilians love to criticize US Presidents and policies. This was true with Clinton and it is also (very) true with Bush. Obviously, there have been MANY, MANY problems in the US and with US Presidents. This is true. But, every time I visit Brazil people I meet often feel it is NECESSARY to tell me how much they hate something about US policies, the US President, etc. Why is this? There seem to be enough problems in Brazil that Brazilians don't have to be criticizing the US so much.
I'm sorry if my questions sound negative. This is not my intent!! These are just 2 very real questions I have as a non-Brazilian. I'm sorry if it comes across as offensive! Desculpe