
Why Brazilians often ask or say....?

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When I am talking to Brazilians, or reading what Brazilians ask in Yahoo Answers, 2 things often come up.

First, I am often asked what I (or others) think about Brazil. I also see this question asked in Yahoo Answers quite often. Why is this question asked so much?

Second, it seems like Brazilians love to criticize US Presidents and policies. This was true with Clinton and it is also (very) true with Bush. Obviously, there have been MANY, MANY problems in the US and with US Presidents. This is true. But, every time I visit Brazil people I meet often feel it is NECESSARY to tell me how much they hate something about US policies, the US President, etc. Why is this? There seem to be enough problems in Brazil that Brazilians don't have to be criticizing the US so much.

I'm sorry if my questions sound negative. This is not my intent!! These are just 2 very real questions I have as a non-Brazilian. I'm sorry if it comes across as offensive! Desculpe




  1. I am a Brazilian, and I agree with what everybody else said. nationalism, imperialism, stereotype, s*x, carnival, prostitution, women without clothes, all of those are very good answers that is why we usually ask. People forgot to mention the crimes, everybody thinks Brazil is dangerous and you will be attacked on the streets.

    About the US policies, I got lucky to live in the USA and I can have a different view of the USA which a lot of the Brazilians do not have. The press in Brazil is very negative about USA and the news there are not very fair and balance. It is sad but it is true. Often the news are not very impartial. The reporters often give their opinion on the subject that might look like that is what the entire population thinks. The TV will influence the population minds. I would also say that the education is a problem. A lot of Brazilians do not develop serious analytical skills. The government do not encourage education, they probably do not want the population too smart criticizing the government, so with that in mind they can keep committing their crimes. Finally, Brazil is controlled by the bourgeoisie which would not like any American policies that would not benefit their pockets.

    Finally, I personaly like Bush. I know he is heavily criticized because the war on Iraq, but I do like him. His fiscal and monetary policies are doing good things for the country, but the press only reports him very negative all becausse the Iraq war and also because they want a democrat in the presidency.

    If you are good they hate you, if you are bad they hate you. You can not please everybody. I think there is nothing wrong in a country try to protect its interest. Whatever Bush is doing, he is looking out for the American people, which unfortunately in Brazil Lula is not looking out for the Brazilians but himself and his pocket. That is the reason they blame on the USA, so the brazilians do not look to themselves but blame on the USA for its economic problems. I can keep going on and on. Very good question.

    One thought.............If the entire world hate the USA, why everybody wants to move to USA. Have you thought about that? I guess the USA is not so bad after all.

  2. As Gustavo has said, Brazil is the most stereotyped country in the world. Too many bullshit about: snakes walking on the Rio's streets, canibals Yanomanis in Copacabana, no whites but naked brown people on the beaches, carnival all time twelve months a year, poor black soccer players from slums, poor country, latin people (this is the worst!), etc, etc.

    When you see a brazilian reporter in a foreign country asking "Do you like Brazil? did you visited Brazil?, the answers are the same, always: "Oh! Brazil? Samba, carnival, Amazonia...Hello, Brazil!". We hate, this.

  3. Brazilians feel that their country is very stereotyped and people abroad have unrealistic views of Brazil, that's 100% true. That's why we're so insecure and make all those questions. Quite a waste of time cause probably you will receive the same answers we were expecting: "gorgeous women", "tanned people", "soccer", "samba", etc.

    Brazilians are not the only ones that criticize US presidents in the world. They tell probably because they feel that you need a "neutral" foreign opinion so that you realize that your president is bad. That definitly does not mean that Brazilians like their presidents. There are 2 presidents in Brazilian history that are popular untill today: Getúlio Vargas and Juscelino Kubitschek, the others are very unpopular. The bad presidents of Brazil only affect Brazilians, while the bad presidents of the US... By the way, the government of the US have this very big tendency in meddling into other countries business, specially Latin American countries, so why can't we meddle into the US a bit?

  4. i agree with you

    i am a brazilian and i love the states...but most of my friends love to crititicize my love for it. they even sound a little bit ignorant when they talk about the U.S. and i don't know why. maybe it's the media's fault...i definitely do not like bush but sometimes i hear brazilian people talking about american people as if all americans were just like bush and that is so not true. i am blessed to have the opportunity to travel around the world so i do have many american friends and i know that's not the way it works

  5. Our goverment(Brasil) is f***ed up.

    d**n Lula

  6. Oi, (Hi). I´m brazilian and I tell you. We have more problems that you can imagine. The brazilian people like to do critical for others countrys because they look at their politcs problems and are afraid cause can do nothing.

    Sorry my mistakes, I´m learning English. These people they find more easy to criticize who makes something to try to improve our country.

  7. I think your question is interesting.

    I think there´s a lot of resentment towards the US, specialy by people older than 35/40, due to the support the US gov gave to the military dictators in Brazil, and in south america generaly, in the 60´s and 70´s.

    I don´t like Bush but to be honest he is a lot worse for Americans than he is for Brazilians (Republicans are usualy a lot better to US, less protectionism in the economy etc...)

    I admire Clinton and think he is a great man.

    But I think Reagan was a criminal, not to us, to Americans.

    Those are personal opinions based on facts.

    As far as the fact that we have problems, and believe me, we have plenty, that doent not stop someone from having opinions.

    Americans have problems, Europeans of all nations have problems, everybody has problems, it would be very boring if people had no opinions at all.

    But in many ways I think you are right, Brazilians tend to criticize too much and in my opinion a lot of it comes from sheer ignorance, or lack of knowledge.

    I was born in Brazil, with european parents, have lived both in Europe and the US and now live in Brazil. Have an EU passport that allows me to live and work in Europe, but I chose to move back here.

    We do have less problems with racism, polution, on the other hand the violence in our big cities has reached unberable levels. Who to blame? Politicians of course!

    Washington post had a report this weekend that there are more teenage victims of violent crimes in Rio than in Bagdad!

    At this point I would not move, but I love Europe and certanly love the US.

    If it´s any consolation, Bush maybe an a*****e, but our president, Lula, is 10 times worse, he just doesnt have the same power to make such a mess, so his mess is mostly internal. Worse for us I guess.

    It´s not negative at  all, your questions I mean.

    My appologies if I ofend your presidents and you if I ofended you.

  8. Because America is the most re known and influential country in the world, so people (not specifically Brazilians) tend to criticize the government or the policy that they would find not pleasing enough. There is actually a lot of nation leader's that are far more worse than Bush, but it's just that most of US policies almost effected the a lot of nations so they only way they could show some kind of disagreement without causing so much trouble is to voice their criticism. In my country there are also a lot of people doing demonstration, and sometimes riots because of Bush or America's government policies or actions. I hope this helps.

  9. Brasilians are the most "nationalist" of the Latin American countries.

    They are always curious of what others thinmk of them. It is concern between them knowing they are a power-house, for sure in America and in the world. But still with a lot to do!

    The anti-northamerican sentiment, is commom in Latin-America, due to the excessive imperialistic attitude.

    Plus it is very "easy" to blame someone else for your problems.

  10. As a gringo that has been to Brazil many times, I hear this too, but this is not limited to Brazil. If you are at least a 'little' bit into US politics, you will know that the 'have nots' want to become the 'haves', and will do anything to get there. When they do, the situation is the same, but the players flip-flop. The 'haves' become the 'have nots', and the 'have nots' become the 'haves'.

    The negative issues that are brought up by the 'have nots' gain world-wide press coverage and attention. The positive issues are not mentioned, as this is not 'news worthy'. Unfortunately, regardless of the continent, negative news of the USA is integrated into other cultures, where over time, the people honestly believe it.

    The USA is the 'haves' of the world, and the 'have nots' will do or say anything to portray a negative view of us.

    Brazil is a beautiful country with a beautiful people. Their people are under the influence of what they hear in their own press, as well as biased international news broadcasts from what is perceived as USA media. CNN International is just one example of this. They are obviously slanted to the left, and will only report news that is in line with their views. The rest of the world eats off the same plate.

    Regarding why a Brazilian would ask you what you think of Brazil - They know the stereotype that is placed on their country and are looking for a validation for or against. If you say that they are something that supports what their media claims gringos think, then they have their validation. If you say nothing negative, then you are a liar or an outcast. I recommend acknowledging that the stereotype exists, (to the ignorant, it does) but that you see it differently. You will be respected much more and maybe change a mind in the process.

  11. They wanted to know how you see our country. Sure you have wrong ideas about Brazil. I never talked about politic with my American friends. I don't like even the politic of my country. Every country has problems. Some say about politics in the USA because we see very much on news. We know. But ask an American what is the name of Brazil's president? Maybe she/ he will know probably not.

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