
Why British people and theit government are so lenient toward islamists? Do they like bombings in UK?

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A recent poll indicted that 40% of the British muslims students approve to kill non muslims for their religion and are ready to do so. More, they wants that the islamic charia rules the laws in Great Britain. As a french citizen I would like to ask you this question : Are British people completely without any guts and ready to accept to become a little Irak in some years?

Rule Britannia, rule... What a sad joke!




  1. Yes, we love bombings here.  Got used to in the last world war.  Can't live without them now.  "Cheese - eating...." what was it again

  2. I would be interested in that poll you cite, I guess you have cherry picked the bit that apparently makes your point.

    I think you know not of what you spout.

    Thank goodness that not many educated people share your, rather primitive, analysis.

  3. Maybe it's because we are not given to over-reaction to dubiously gleaned statistics!

  4. That poll sounds like a load of nonsense.

  5. LMAO!!!....A French lecturing about not having guts!.

    Just when I thought I've seen it all.

  6. Are you mentally retarded? The British people were the ones who saved your **** in the Second World War. If it wasn't for them you'd be chattering in German.

    Go to this link :

    The French Resistance was a powerful group with brave French people struggling to fight against the occupation of n**i Germans in their country. They were classified by the n**i party as terrorists. Doesn't mean all of you French are terrorists or maybe you are. Since you're so bloody narrow-minded.

    Muslims themselves in Britain don't want or need Sharia law. The Supreme Judge and Arch-bishop merely suggested that Sharia laws regarding marriage should be used because they give wives their rights for 1400 years now. When did your stupid country implement similar laws? Just a century ago.

    That poll is based on random and is inaccurate. They didn't ask all Muslim students in Britain you fool. Otherwise the 40% would have been dramatically reduced.

    Viva la France! Forever ******* France! g*y ponce.

  7. The French are renowned for there lack of guts on dealing with terrorism.

    Just why they sided with Saddam Hussein or the Taliban over the US and UK when we first took the fight to there own backyards i will never know.

    You really need to look a bit closer to your own governments actions at why they tried everything in the power to side with  the terrorist havens of Afghanistan and Iraq.

    If it wasn't for us you be having a d**n site more attacks than you have at present !!

  8. Seriously,you're French and you are giving out to the British about guts?(rolls eyes!)

    I'm Irish and even I'll tell you the British have far more guts than the French.Their flag isn't a white one.

  9. how on earth does a "frenchman"ask us brits if we have any guts,,,who bailed you out when your country became n**i in the last world war,who got you your country back?yes the politically correct S*it we now find the uk in,is in no small order due to the courtesy of Cur(sir)edward heath and his total lack of B*lls and his PC destruction of enoch powell by sending him into the political wilderness for saying the UK would eventually be overun by black races,,this was 1967 they are only just realising that he was not wrong,,they are still not listening,,,the whites dont want a multi national society and neither do the asians,they want to take over and 1 gov after another is helping them to do so.

  10. I actually watched  a programme about and those who were interviewed by YouGov a respected body apparently went to various top flight universities and polled amongst seemingly intelligent Muslim men and women and came up with stats that i personally do not find surprising. That its OK to kill if its in the name of your religion.

    Remember who is in charge by the way, the government is and not Joe Public and there is little they can do. So before berating the ordinary folk over being too soft etc, then think that it is politicians who rule and they have looked the other way over this threat for so long. Labour by the way relies on the immigrant vote to a large extent and one day as i have said before the UK will be involved in some form of conflict within its own country, and a good journalist friend said over 20 years ago that the threat of war when it comes and he believed it would, would be by the followers of Islam and not from another European war.

    Andi  - the poll was a genuine one from a very well known poll organisation,  and it does not surprise me in the least

    see if anyone can open this link or go to it, it gives all the info you want on this story.

  11. You are French and you think we have no guts

  12. British people are not, its labour the super crappy government that has no back bone and does all it can to help illegal immigrants and all immigrants and not to bother helping the British.

  13. people are too afraid of seeming racist. but personally i hate the brits. Durka durka, jihad, allah.

  14. First off, muslims are not a hate-loving religion, they preach peach, the minority are extremists and those are the ones that kill and bomb and terrorise, they don't just bomb the UK, the twin towers WEREN'T in the UK, there were train bombings in SPAIN which is again NOT in the UK, the list goes on and on.

    We're not lenient towards muslims as you put it, the majority of us have enough brain cells to realise, that they majority of muslims are lovely people who have come to this country to get away from the horrors of their home country, and who are we to send them back to torture. It's only a minority that feel they need to terrorise the rest of the world, to get a point across.

    May I also add that while we do have a pathetically rubbish government, there are measures in place to help tackle extremism.

    "The UK police terrorism arrest statistics (excluding Northern Ireland) from 11 September 2001 – 31 March 2007 show 1228 arrests were made:

        * 1165 arrests under the Terrorism Act 2000

        * 63 arrests under legislation other than the Terrorism Act, where the investigation was conducted as a terrorist investigation

    Of the total 1228 arrested:

        * 132 charged with terrorism legislation offences only

        * 109 charged with terrorism legislation offences and other criminal offences

        * 195 charged under other legislation including murder, grievous bodily harm, firearms, explosives offences, fraud, false documents

        * 76 handed over to immigration authorities

        * 15 on police bail awaiting charging decisions

        * 1 warrant issued for arrest

        * 12 cautioned

        * 1 dealt with under youth offending procedures

        * 11 dealt with under mental health legislation

        * 4 transferred to Police Service of Northern Ireland custody

        * 2 remanded in custody awaiting extradition proceedings

        * 669 released without charge

        * 1 awaiting further investigation

    Of those charged:

        * 41 Terrorism Act convictions to date

        * 183 convicted under other legislation: murder and explosives offences (including conspiracies), grievous bodily harm, firearms offences, fraud, false documents offences, etc (this includes the 12 cautions detailed above)

        * 114 at or awaiting trial

    (Source: These statistics are compiled from police records by the offices of the National Coordinator for Terrorist Investigations. They are subject to change as cases go through the system.)"  is the home office page for everything to do with the UK's laws on terrorisms. You see we're not leniant at all, but just like you can't catch all potential murderers unless you have proof/evidence and they've murdered someone, you can't arrest someone because there is a chance that one day they might become a terrorist, you have to wait until they commit a crime.

  15. not nearly as lenient as the french in times of war

  16. all well and good but i see ronan allah s shirt lifting buddy is in on the act theres the joke

  17. I personally love bombings in the UK.

    Who doesn't?

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