
Why Bruce Lee thinks ENGLIGHTMENT can also be Attained through MARTIAL ARTS?

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what is englightment?

why bruce lee thinks englightment can also be attained through martial arts

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  1. i will give a short ansewer meditation and martial arts can be attained through enlightenment and vise versa look up morihie ueshiba or the creator of aikido and u may see what i mean but like u wont because it is a lesson that cannot be taught u must find it on ur own

  2. Alrighty then.

    My view on 'enlightenment'. The way I see it, enlightenment means literally being able put yourself in someone else's situation and do the right thing, not necessarly the thing other people want you to do, just the right thing to do. It is having the ability to realize anything and everything about anything you look at and realizing how insignificant and beautiful a thing can be and still be able to realize the importance in everything.

    1) Martial Arts is performed by Buddhist Monks. Buddhist Monks are pacifists. So why would a pacifist religion undergo extensive martial arts training? Because it's therapeutic, it's energizing, and it opens your eyes to different perspectives of seeing things.

    2) A person can be catagorized, identified, and labeld with their physical and mental attributes. The importance in this is you must find a common ground between the physical world and the mental world, because balance is everything and without balance the world would be exactly the same as it is now, tilting slightly. What I'm trying to say being enlightend is finding balance in chaos and seeing the light where there is none.

    Gosh, that's all I can think of at the moment.

    By the way I'm...



    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Aspiring Philospher..? Sure why not.

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