
Why Bruce lee is considered Great? what was his contribution towards MARTIAL ARTS? why he die so soon?

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6 god bless you all,give your introduction also please users




  1. .... Jeet Kune Do, simple as that, he was a philosopher of Martial Arts and is the father of MMA, he popularized the idea of eclecticism and cross training. His skills meant nothing compared to his philosophical contributions to martial arts. He died due to an adverse effect to medicine, he had a brain aneurism, and just a horrible, unlucky death. His movies were really the first ones that America bothered to watch, he basically revolutionized the Wuxia genre into a "Kung-Fu Movie". .....introduction....? Erm.....I'm a martial artist, a philosophy major, and a believer of Jeet Kune Do....?

  2. 1) can kill a bull with his fist in one punch

    2) can punch faster than a camera can record him...imagine his arms going invisible on camera cause he punching too fast.

    3) one of a handful of people that can do a exercise stance known as dragon flag.

  3. I like his movies, but like Jackie Chan and Jet Li, he never competed in any tournaments or professional matches.

  4. he was poisoned because he knew too much about the human body and martial arts

  5. he died when the canibus caught up to him

  6. Why Bruce lee is considered Great? Onscreen he was as dynamic as they incredible amount of charisma and screen presence. His fight scenes were far more realistic compared to what was being done in martial arts movies at that time.

    What was his contribution towards MARTIAL ARTS? He helped popularize martial arts through his films, books and teaching. Also had an eclectic attitude...not believing in sticking to one style, he embraced many, taking what he liked from each one and added it to what he already knew.

    Why he die so soon? Drugs? Possible allergic reaction to cannabis? Maybe the combination of equagesic, cannabis, the back pain medicine and the diuretics Lee was rumored to take,  is what killed him? I still haven't ruled out poisoning.

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