
Why CNN talking heads wants Hillary to stop completing the campaign??

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CNN is taking a side carefully....i.e., supporting Obama...we are not stupid.....we know what they are doing....FOX is supporting Mccain, CNN and NBC is supporting OBAMA and millions and millions of people are supporting Clinton. Lets see who is the president in November




  1. You are correct about the media favoring Obama. To answer your question:

    If Hillary pulls out now, Obama will win.

    If Hillary stays in the race through the primaries, I believe that McCain will win.

    Here is why:

    First, let's face the fact that Obama will most likely win the nomination from the DNC. The media is infatuated by Obama and will not challenge, question, or otherwise upset him. It's been a year and they haven't yet. The media is, however making life VERY tough for Hillary by exhibiting polls in her disfavor, questioning her, and simply not providing her enough publicity.

    Currently, there is a great divide in the Democrat party. Obama and Hillary both have just about equal followings of LOYAL supporters. Obama has 91% of the black vote as well as the most liberal of the democrats (which is only about 5%). Hillary however has the moderate to consrvative Democrat supporters and honestly, Hillary is competing with McCain for those supporters just as much as she is competing with Obama as McCain is effectively, though not on paper, a conservative democrat.

    Back to the great divide... Obama supporters widely resent Hillary for challenging him. Hillary supporters are so disgusted by Obama however, that the majority of her supporters when polled, have said that they would vote for McCain before they would vote for Obama in order to punish him.

    Obama supporters are calling for Hillary to drop out of the race NOW, because they know that if she stays in, the loyalty of her supporters will only grow stronger. Then, when Obama is announced as the nominee, they all will be shocked and thus become so enraged that they either will not vote or cast their vote for McCain as they are repulsed by Obama for "stealing" the presidency from Hillary (or so will be the arguement). If Hillary drops out now and by her own choice, her supporters will still be enraged, however they will have six months before the general election to cool off, in which time the Obama campaign will have time to gradually win the hearts and minds of those voters.

    If the above scenario occurs, Obama will most likely win. If Hillary fights until the DNC will no longer allow her to fight, then McCain will benefit from the turmoil, dissapointment, and anger tipping the scales in his favor because remember, the only significant thing Obama has achieved thus far is the Black vote which alone cannot win him the election. Unless Hillary supporters move over in droves to support Obama, he will lose. Those who don't move to Obama don;t even have to vote for McCain in order for McCain to win. If they either don't vote, or vote for a 3rd party candidate, than that will deny Obama enough votes to cause him to lose.

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